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work, which not only reduces his carbon foot-     American Farm Bureau Federation, National
               print but helps curb pollution that for decades   Farmers Union, the National Council of Farmer
               contributed to the Chesapeake’s large oxy-        Cooperatives as well as two major environmen-
               gen-deprived dead zones.                          tal groups, the Environmental Defense Fund

               Programs like CSP can’t guarantee farmers         and The Nature Conservancy. Other alliance
               long-term income — funding for the program        partners include: FMI — The Food Industry
               is capped by the farm bill and farmers like Kent   Association, National Alliance of Forest Owners,
               have no assurance of getting their five-year      and the National Association of State Depart-
               contracts renewed. Kent says his conservation     ments of Agriculture.
               practices are crucial in his profitability and he   The group calls for one-time government
               won’t stop doing what he’s doing. “We’re going    payments to “early adopters,” farmers that
               to continue those practices after CSP; that’s not   have already undertaken carbon-sequestration
               going to change ... I’m going to continue those   practices.
               practices for sure.”
                                                                 The group also endorsed making farmers eli-
                                                                                 gible to earn transferable tax
                                                                                 credits for emission reductions,
                                                                                 but that would require congres-
                                         We’re .going .to .continue .            sional approval, and tax legisla-
                                         those .practices .after .CSP; .         tion could be especially difficult
                                                                                 to move through a closely
                                         that’s .not .going .to .change .        divided Congress over the next

                                                            —Wes Kent            two years.

                                                                                 Several other private credit
                                                                                 markets or carbon payment
                                                                                 programs are already in the
               But he’s not locked into these practices once his   works or in operation. They include:
               contract ends, and there is no guarantee that     The Ecosystem Services Market Consortium,
               other farmers will continue the practices when    whose founders include food and agribusiness
               their contracts expire, reversing some or all of   companies such as General Mills, McDonald’s
               the environmental gains.                          and Cargill, is already paying a few farmers in
               Enter the idea of ag carbon markets.              preliminary transactions and intends to open
                                                                 a broad-based private carbon market in 2022,
               A top adviser to Biden is proposing to create     paying farmers for a full menu of emission
               a carbon bank at USDA that would buy and          reducing practices.
               sell carbon credits from farmers using a reverse
               action technique in which farmers bid the prices   Indigo Ag, a high-tech farmer services firm,
               they want to be paid. The credits would then be   invited growers in mid-2019 to make 10-year
               sold to corporations such as energy companies     commitments to sequester soil carbon at $15 per
               that need to offset their greenhouse gas emissions.  verified ton. American farmers have contracted
                                                                 7.5 million cropland acres to apply climate-saving
               The concept has won the endorsement of a new
               coalition of farm, food, forestry and environ-    practices for 10 years and have already imple-
               mental groups, called the Food and Agriculture    mented practice changes on over 1 million acres.
               Climate Alliance. The coalition includes the      A year ago, the Seattle-based Nori Carbon

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