Page 113 - Always Virginia
P. 113
Always Virginia 101
January 26. George called me up about 2. Came up about
2:15. Stayed for supper. After supper we played cards. Swell time.
January 27. Went—no didn’t go to school in morn. Geo. didn’t
go all day. Margaret Cain came over in eve. We went to Matthews.
George called me up. Swell time.
January 28. Went to school. In evening George and Jim came
up. We went riding. Had lots of fun as usual.
January 29. George and I went to the library. Came home and
fooled around. Had fun.
January 30. George didn’t go to school. He came up after
school. Had a new hat. Did he look cute. We (Daddy and I) took
him home. In nite we went to show, Three Musketeers. Good. Went
to Hamilton’s afterwards. Swell time.
January 31. I went to the game, played Cathedral. Lost 26-6.
George played on 2nd team. Last quarter of 1st team game. Met
him at Davison’s. Had fun. Came home. We got mad at each other.
Got over it again.
February 1. Went to game. We played Winchester. Lost 17-11.
Met George at Davison’s. He was going to quit playing, but Wally
asked him if he was keeping training, and he said “No.” So Wally
told him to turn in his suit and he said that was just what he was
going to do. So he did come down to Davison’s, drank 5 beers,
bought everybody hamburgers and beers. Jim came after us. We
went riding. George was feeling kinda good. I was mad. He said
he didn’t blame me. He promised me he’d never do it again. We’ll
see. [He never did it again in his whole life.]
February 2. George and Jim came up in aft. Too cloudy for
me to take pictures with my camera.[Her father gave her a Brownie
Box Camera when she was fourteen, and her mother said later,
“I couldn’t figure why your Daddy gave you a camera when you