Page 118 - Always Virginia
P. 118

106                                   Virginia Day Fritscher

             went to show in nite and saw Show Them No Mercy and amateur
             show. After show we went to Merrigan’s. Had fun as usual.
                 March 1. George came over when I was eating breakfast. Stayed
             for dinner. Went down to Merrigan’s in aft. In nite went over to
             Springfield to hear “Horace Heidt.” Saw Exclusive Story. Had a
             keen time. They were plenty good.

                 March 2. George walked home with me after school. Came
             over in eve. We went down to Merrigan’s with Norine and Mildred
             to meet Jimmie. George got mad at me and went up in front of
             store. I left and went out to car. Was I sore. We came out pretty
             soon. Boy was he sore. We made up when we came home. George
             [shorthand marks]

                 March 3. George was sick and didn’t go to school. In eve. he
             sent Harold over and wanted me to write him a note. I had one
             written so I sent it. He came over in eve. We fooled around.

                 March 4. George is still sick. Didn’t go to school. Came over
             in eve. We played cards. Had fun.

                 March 5. I didn’t go to school and neither did George. He
             came over. He got mad because I took off my ring that he wished
             on and he lit a cigarette. He went home. He came over in eve. Had
             fun, made up. We went to the show, So Red The Rose. Swell. Went
             to Merrigan’s afterwards.

                 March 6. Went to school in morning. In afternoon stayed
             home. I was so sick I stayed in bed all afternoon. In eve. George
             came over also in nite. We went to Davison’s. He didn’t want to.
                 March 7. George came over in morning and afternoon. In eve.
             we stayed home. Then went down to Merrigan’s about 9 o’clock.
             Came home. Almost broke up. He said he wouldn’t go with anyone
             else. We just couldn’t say goodbye.
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