P. 114


                           If someone helped us during our
                         difficult time, always remember to

                               say, “thank you” and say
                           “sorry” if we made a mistake.

         “But what if people will take advantage of me
   being courteous?”. I truly believe that if you are
   genuinely being courteous to other people, without
   any expectation of reciprocation, then it would be         Courtesy should always be applied in the way
   extremely hard to feel being taken advantage of. of we think, our speech, and in the way we act.
   Well, how can you feel taken advantage of if you are Showing courtesy to people can enlightens and
   truly not expecting anything in return? So, it is always brightens their day especially if it is during the time
   better to be courteous with zero expectation from they least expecting it. Being courteous can be more
   other people to treat you the same way in return. infectious as we thought. For that reason, we can start
   Besides, if you have it as a motto, it can make your by being courteous to our family, then spread it to
   whole life a lot smoother. Yes, it is true that being our friends then even to strangers. Other than that,
   kind sometimes does not mean that you must agree treating our teachers respectfully by greeting them
   or say yes to everything and everyone. It is okay not every single time we meet them, completing the tasks
   be able to hold the door for someone when you are that given by them, which are also form of courtesy. If
   in rush, but it is not okay to push someone to be able someone helped us during our difficult time, always
   to reach the door because you are in rush. That is   remember to say, “thank you” and say “sorry” if
   why, it is important to always stay courteous even we made a mistake. Even if we do not get treated the
   though the person has different preferences as ours.  same, always remember to do it not for other people
                                                        but do it for yourself for your own self-satisfaction.
         Practicing courtesy in our life can help us to
   build and improve relationships with others, help to       To sum up, courtesy is indeed essential in all
   build respect, boost our self-esteem and confidence, walks of life, and it does not hurt to be polite. There
   and our communication skills too. Many of the points will always someone out there in need of a smile or
   are obvious and related to common sense but even just a simple thank you.
   somehow still ignored, overlooked, and forgotten by Even those small gestures can end up changing one’s
   most people. Also, it is easier to recognise when other life completely, for the better of course. Hence,
   people are being rude and inconsiderate but often it is always remember that courtesy is free, it costs nothing
   more difficult to recognise these traits in ourselves. but buys everything. When one is able to express
   Therefore,   always   think  carefully  about   the courtesy freely, they can be considered successful and
   impressions you left on other people and so that you won in life because in the end, “There is nothing
   can easily avoid being considered as ignorant or ill-  costs less than civility.” – Miguel de Cervantes
   mannered.                                            Saavedra.

 @Hak Cipta Terpelihara Kolej Tingkatan Enam Saratok 2021
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