Page 12 - lesson
P. 12

Böle förskola   Piteå, Sweden

                                       Eco Tweet: Little Scientists
                                                   Lesson Plan

        Teachers: Karin Ceder and Carina Johansson

        Age of students: 4-5 years old
        Number of students: 13

        Title: Water now and in the past
        Category: science, language, history

        General Purpose:
               1.  How do we get and how do we use water today
               2.  How did they use it in the past?
        Specific objectives:
               1.  Learn more about water
               2.  By telling about the past, we learn to not take water in our houses for granted.

        Methods and techniques: First we look at a Power Point of ways to use water today and in the
        past, then we take a walk to Karin’s mother and look at a cold water spring and an outdoor loo!
        Material: Computer,
        Place: Inside and outside
        Duration: One and a half hour

        Description of the activity:  We started by looking at a PowerPoint and then we took a walk to
        Karin’s mother, there we could find a cold spring and also an outdoor loo. The children were
        very active during the Power Point-presentation. They liked to see the pictures from the past
        and they asked a lot of questions. Then we walked to Karin’s mother, who lives close to our
        preschool. We went to the cold water spring, and we told the children about how they used the
        spring in about hundred years ago and they all got to pump up the water. We went to the
        outdoor loo. Many had seen one before, but not everyone.
        Assessment: The children liked this activity very much! It was interesting for them to learn

        about the past, and see with their own eyes how it was. Also it was good for them to see how
        hard it could be for children in the past. The parents told us that their children liked this
        activity very much, they have talked a lot about it at home!

        Postadress: Box 732, 941 28 Piteå  Besöksadress:   Telefon: 0911-69 60 00 vx   Webbadress:
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