Page 10 - lesson
P. 10

CEIP Alfonso VI. Toledo.

                                         Eco Tweet: Little Scientists
                                                     Lesson Plan

        Teacher:    Leticia Gil Ramos                                         Age of Students 5-6 years old.
        Name of Activity:  Equivalences in our class

        Type of Activity: Maths activity.
        The Aim of  The Activity :
            1.  Recognize the weight of different classroom objects.
            2.  Make comparisons and equivalencies with classroom objects.

            3.  Approach concepts: more than, less than…

        Methods and Techniques:  Globalized work. Manipulation as the main method of working
        through play.

        Material  Used  :  Balance.  Different  materials  such  as:  flour,  sugar,  sand.  Clasroom
        elements.Shelving  to  separate  objects  according  to  their  weight  greater  than  or  less
        than other.
        Description of the Activity:
        One morning in assembly we received an unopened package. When we unpacked it, we

        saw that it was a new and different object. We have not seen it before. It was a balance.
        Little by little and together we all began to imagine what it could do for. We manipulated
        it and soon we could learn that it would be useful to measure the mass of class objects,
        compare them and see which weighs more, which weighs less and their equivalents.

        We  selected  different  materials  and  were  comparing  their  prices  and  classifying  them
        according  to  this  unit  of  measurement.  After  that,  the  children  were  creating  different
        shelves  with  posters  in  which  they  were  classifying  the  different  objects  according  to
        their weight and size.
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15