Page 4 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW special edition
P. 4

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   0 4


                                        BY M.-DOMINIQUE CRAPON DE CAPRONA - USA

          Welcome to the second issue of our                   In addition, there are four American
          Sloughi Review Special Issues series.                trophies bearing Sloughi names that have

                                                               been donated for sighthound sports –
          Following the Special issue #1, this                 lure coursing, oval racing and straight
          second issue continues to focus on                   racing and the winners are featured here
          historical - but also still ongoing events -         as well.
          involving Sloughis.
                                                               One of these American trophies is the
          Seven special trophies for Sloughis or               toughest for sighthound breeds to win in

          bearing Sloughi names are presented here             American amateur racing, another is a
          that are awarded for conformation shows              testament to the incredible athleticism
          and sighthound sports. The awardees in               Sloughis possess. The last two American
          some cases span several generations.                 trophies honor Sloughi winners in oval
                                                               racing and lure coursing.
          I thank Els Siebel for once again

          committing her time and energy to                    Last but not least, we present the
          document two important show Dutch                    Falconcrag trophy for winners of RBIS at
          Sloughi trophies dating back to 1975 and             shows in the United Kingdom. Thank you
          1986 respectively: the Han Jüngeling                 Kath Clark for researching this award.
          trophy and the Miertje Cup.
                                                               I wish all good reading of the stories of
          The photos carefully saved reveal the                trophies celebrating excellence in Sloughis

          beauty of winning Sloughis over several              and other sighthound breeds.
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