Page 175 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 175
We asked Helen Weir to tell us about the
rescue organisation she founded.
When/How the rescue started…
little trouble maker and she allowed me to
restart my dreams of showing and we did very
Dobermanns have always been a passion of well, if I do say so myself. She’s not perfect but
mine, from a very young age. It wasn’t until she certainly holds her own against the usual
I was working in a busy and well respected suspects.
Now, you might be wondering why
boarding kennels that I happened to make some this is how I chose to start my tales of how
wonderful connections within the show world Scottish Dobermann Rescue came to be, there’s
and through word of mouth found a reputable quite a few reasons and I’d probably be here
breeder. My first dobermann, Morgan, was forever if I was to go into detail for each one
bought as a show prospect with a bright future but the first reason was when one of the pups I
in the ring ahead of her but as fate would have had placed (to a fully vetted family household)
it, things didn’t quite go to plan. A combination had unfortunately been euthanized without my
of my nerves and my lack of experience helped knowledge until after the deed was done. The
dissolve those plans of making it big in the dog had behavioural issues, so I was told. I wont
show world, at least at that time. Although I had get into my true feelings on the matter but what
admired the breed and been around individual I will say is that I felt I had failed as a breeder
dogs I was new to being owned by one of my and as an ambassador for the breed I so loved.
own, I very quickly realised how special and Deep down I felt the need to prove I could do
unique they could be, their comical antics better.
and quirky behaviours could have you in a fit
of the giggles one minute and crying through I was an active volunteer helping various
frustration the next. Definitely an acquired taste rescues with aspects of routine runnings of
for some people. the rescues, I had fostered, was experienced
in carrying out home checks, I’d helped with
Fast forward five years, life was changed for the assessments, and with transportation while
better, I bred my first litter and kept a spunky using my connections with the local councils