Page 173 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 173
devices often cause problems.
Two mistakes I often see owners make is
taking things to extremes either way with
regards to these issues. The first is trying
to physically exhaust their dog to their limit
every day, which works at first but then
as their dogs get fitter and fitter, they find
themselves having to do more and more to
try to tire their dog; they create an athlete
who is in the habit of constantly being high
energy and requiring hours of high intensity
exercise in order to relax. This is also
stressful on their dog’s body, with many
dogs growing up to have problems with their
backs or cruciate.
The other problem is the opposite; owners
not walking their dogs but instead opting
for enrichment activities such as scent work
or brain games in the garden. These are
excellent for calming dogs and working their
brains, but in my opinion not a complete
substitute for exercise for healthy dogs. With
Dobermanns especially, it must always be consistent rules are a must for all dogs,
a balance between having a physical outlet especially willfull and intelligent dogs
for their energy, providing mental stimulation such as Dobermanns, but I do not believe
and teaching them how to control their dominance should be anywhere near the list
impulses. of main concerns for Dobermann owners;
dogs eating first, winning games of tug
There are a lot of myths about Dobermann and going through doors first will not cause
personalities and one which I frequently issues with dominance.
come across is the dominance theory. Dogs
who are fearful, frustrated or are simply One of the most common issues I am asked
untrained are often labelled as dominant to help with is reactivity and aggression,
and owners of such dogs are often told that often towards people and other dogs. When
they need to assert their dominance, or owners get in contact with me regarding
‘be pack leader’ in order to resolve these their dog showing aggressions, my first
issues. Despite the dominance theory being advice is to first seek a thorough medical
debunked by numerous well respected checkup with their vet. Often underlying
researchers and trainers, it is something health issues can contribute to sudden
which I still hear brought up all the time. I changes in behaviour. Many problems, such
believe this label can be ineffective at best, as loss of hearing, eyesight issues or back
dangerous at worst, as often confrontational pain can contribute to aggression. Once a
methods used to tackle dominance, such clean bill of health is given from the vet, it’s
as ‘alpha rolling’, can exacerbate issues, important to contact a well respected trainer
resulting in pushing dogs into lashing out. to help tackle the issues. It is impossible
I think everyone can agree that firm, fair, for anyone to advise the best way forward