Page 169 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 169

recently moved back to central London,
                                                               Maddi and Murphy helped me through some
                                                               very difficult times. Help that I will be forever
                                                               grateful.  Maddi surpassed my dreams
                                                               with all that she won in her show career.
                                                               She qualified for Crufts at her first show,
                                                               Bath Championship Show in May 2000.
                                                               Southern Countries Show the following
                                                               week is a show I talk about regularly, Judge
                                                               was Terry Thorn. Maddi won her class,
                                                               Best Puppy Bitch, Best Puppy in Breed and
                                                               Working Group Puppy 3.  Dreams really do
                                                               happen, a day I have never forgotten.

                                                               Maddi won numerous Best Puppy in Breeds
                                                               both at Championship Shows and Open
                                                               Shows.  She won a number of Best Puppy
                                                               in Shows at Open Shows.  In August 2000
                                                               we headed to Ireland and did the Circuit.
           this day and to my surprise we came home
                                                               Maddi won Best Puppy in Show at Kilarney
           with rosettes. I was hooked.
                                                               qualifying her for the Irish Pup of the year
           The next show was my turn, oh my nerves,            final the following year.
           I’ve never been so nervous in my life.
                                                               When we came back for the final Maddi
           Murphy was placed 4th in a class of 8.  I
                                                               was placed 3rd, she was the highest placed
           was helped by many nice people on this
           day.  I met John and Marianne Herrod                English owned dog.  Maddi gained her
                                                               Junior Warrant and stud book number in
           who have become very good friends and
                                                               May 2001.
           they are now being bossed by a girl that I
           bred. Murphy qualified for Crufts 3 times,
                                                               Foot and Mouth happened and all shows
           we failed to gain his stud book number
                                                               were cancelled . Wwhen the shows were
           when we missed his Junior Warrant by 1
                                                               cancelled we only needed 2 Championship
           Championship point so had to be placed in
                                                               points.  I was so grateful that the shows
           qualifying classes.
                                                               came back.  We had one show, SKC and
                                                               the judge on this day was Julie Kelly and
           In early 2000 Murphy got a play friend,
           Maddi. Maddi Doberlane Glory Seka at                she awarded Maddi 3 classes.
           Samenco, bred by Tracie Mason. I had
                                                               In 2002 I moved back to Southern Ireland
                                                               where I continued to show.  Only lightly
                                                               for the first year as we settled in.  This
                                                               settling in period didn’t stop Maddi picking
                                                               up a number of Green Stars in them early
                                                               months.  Maddi did gain her Irish Champion
                                                               title in May 0f 2003.

                                                               In Mid 2003, I planned to have my very first
                                                               litter.  My Dad, Maddi, and I travelled to
                                                               Belgium to a dog called Multi Champion

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