Page 168 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 168

Cancer in 2007. I knew that Carol was going to      Madison loves showing as much as Dexter, and
           breed from Evie Ch Remesca What Eva JW              we had a fabulous time in the ring. Madison
           (that she kept from Leah’s litter) to Ch Aritaur    gained her JW shortly after 13months and we
           Cardinal Red at Jodaseen ShCM and by now            continued with huge success in 2018. Gaining
           we were desperate for another Brown Male in         her Champion title shortly after her 2nd Birthday.
           our lives. Welcome Dexter, (the only Brown Male     Her CC’s were awarded respectively from
           in the litter, it was fate) aka Remesca’s Rosinni.   Jeanne Walker, Diane Rock and Tracey Feeney
           We had a fabulous time in the Ring enjoying         (now McCall). Dreams really do Come True!
           highs and lows. He loved it and so did I, he
           gained his JW shortly before 18months and his       After setting up a new business, a couple of
           ShCM a little later, we were having a great time.   years ago, I have recently had a hiatus from
           We even took a little road trip to Ireland where    the Showring, and Dexter and Madison have
           on the first day he won a Green Star! (The          enjoyed life as Country Mudrats, they are not
           equivalent of a CC here) it was downhill for rest   complaining! The end of 2019, saw the arrival of
           of the week but hey, we didn’t care. Finally, in    Ayla Sharhyste Maid in the Purple for Aniiraz
           2017 he gained his Crowning CC and became a         a beloved Dexter daughter with Sharhyste
           Champion with three CC’s awarded respectively       Maid in Essex, and now 8th Generation of Lyra,
           from Elaine Drennan, Hans Van Den Burg, and         (nothing like keeping It In the Family!!) A first for
           Bridgette Bodle, completing a life-time ambition    me a Black & Tan puppy, (we did have a Black
           for me and to date the Only Male Remesca            rescue in the form of Spike shortly after Monty
           Champion.                                           died, but he was an out and out pet and Bed
                                                               Lover!) Ayla should have made her debut in the
           Whilst I was enjoying life showing Dexter,          Ring of April this year, but unfortunately as for
           we sadly lost Leah, so in 2015 along came           many with Pups out this year, Covid-19 put that
           another Grandchild from her in the form of          on the back burner, thanks for that!
           Madison Remesca Rouge Noir to Aniiraz,
           Ch Remesca What Eva JW x Ch/Lux Ch                  I feel blessed that I have the bloodline from my
           Italo Elite House (Imp Pol). She was Leah’s         mother and I hope that it may long continue.
           double but oh so different. I was amazed that

           Samenco                                                                             Sam Walsh

           My love for Dobermann’s began in 1997.  In          for this breed was Murphy, Marilouvales
           the last 23 years I have had the privilege          Magic Moment, bred by Marie Bryans.
           to have been owned by some fantastic                When I was enquiring about getting Murphy,
           dogs. I have owned many dogs who are                Marie asked if I would be interested in
           responsible for my love of this breed and           showing.  She put the idea into my head so
           also I have owned my One in a Million Dog           I went home and did some research.  When
           who tore my heart out when he went to               I collected Murphy at 8 weeks I said I would
           Rainbow Bridge.                                     give it a go.  So our training began. When
                                                               Murphy was 6 months old we travelled to a
           In 1997 the first Dobermann who entered             show and met Marie, she did the hard work
           my life and gave me the love I have today

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