Page 164 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 164
its Golden Anniversary Show, could remember needed funds.
the Club being formed. The Club held its
first championship show in 1973 when Lionel The Club started running Companion Shows in
conjunction with the Club’s Open Shows to raise
Hamilton-Renwick, judged so that was achieved
funds for Dobermann Welfare and Save our
in a very short time scale. He recalls spending
Hearts. This initiative was to make use of the
many happy days at Pontypool Leisure Centre
room available at the Leisure Centre and has
and still has some acorns from the woodlands
there. proved popular over the years with a lot of the
Dobermann exhibitors taking part as well as the
For many years the Welsh Dobermann Club other breeds. It provides a good atmosphere,
dealt with rehoming of unwanted Dobermanns and everyone has a bit of fun – especially in the
which at one time was a very onerous task with fancy dress and fastest sausage eater.
so many becoming in need of new homes at the
In 2019 it was agreed to run two Club Open
height of the popularity of Dobermanns. Many
Shows on the same day together with the
years ago, when Pauline Hart was running her
Boarding Kennels, she would take them into the Companion Show. This gives two judges the
opportunity to judge and exhibitors chance to
kennels until a home could be found for them.
enter two shows. When the KC Field Officer
In around 1991 Sue James started looking after visited, he thought we were very brave to do
the Dobermanns who required rehoming and this but the Club was graded Excellent for the
then Sue started looking after the unwanted shows. This initiative was appreciated by the
Dobermanns for Dobermann Welfare. The exhibitors and other Dobermann clubs were
Welsh Dobermann Club works hard to raise intending to run two Open Shows on the same
funds for Dobermann Welfare and the Club day this year.
produces the WDC Calendar of Champions
The Club has run the Biomarker Blood Testing
each year and List of Championship Show
for several years and this gives an opportunity
Judges for the year – all proceeds of their sales
for Dobermann exhibitors to have their Dobes
go to Dobermann Welfare.
tested. This has proved very popular. The Club
The Welsh Kennel Club kindly allowed the Club has purchased a Holter which is available to
to hold two Companion Shows at the Royal members to hire.
Welsh Showground in the last few years to raise
funds for Dobermann Welfare and Save our The Welsh Dobermann Club has arranged quite
a number of Dobermann Breed Seminars and
Hearts. Although these require a lot of effort
Dobermann Breed Assessments throughout the
from the Committee it is great to see how many
years which enables judges to progress through
supported the Shows and helped raise much
the lists. The Club has been proactive in helping
judges to gain experience and started holding
Special Award Stakes at their Championship
Shows which gives exhibitors additional classes
to enter and a good opportunity for judges to
obtain hands on experience.
The Welsh Dobermann Club is part of the UK
Dobermann Partnership with the Dobermann
Club and the North Eastern Counties
Dobermann Society. The Clubs maintain the
judging lists for the three clubs.
The Club were intending to celebrate its Golden
Anniversary Show this year and had invited two
Canadian Judges (Mr. and Mrs. Lobb) to judge
One of the plaques made by Dave Williams that at the Championship Show in October. Sadly,
he sold to raise funds for Dobermann Welfare. due to Covid-19 we have had to postpone our