Page 166 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 166

Photo of Sue James, Dobermann Welfare
                                                                  and Pauline Hart, Vice Chairman of the
                                                                  Welsh Dobermann Club - big supports of
                                                                  the association

           new homes, as it is important to match the dogs     work by Sue James, cannot cope with any
           to the right home. Before rehoming all dogs         changes to his environment, so he will stay
           will go into Four Seasons Kennels, Tredegar,        under our care for the rest of his life.
           South Wales, to be assessed by the owner, Sue
           James, one of our dedicated members, who is         We have an associate membership scheme
           a behaviourist & trainer and does a great job of    called ‘Friends of D.W.A. Limited’ and produce
           assessing the specific needs of the individual      a twice-yearly magazine called Caring Hands,
           dogs that we take in. We also look at the           which is distributed to all members.
           requirements of the prospective new owners,
           who always have to go to kennels to meet the        Although our Treasurer & Re-homing Co-
           dog, as Sue has the last word on where the          ordinator, Sue Garner, puts all the magazine
           dogs are rehomed.                                   articles together, in 2009 Yvonne Cox, Secretary
                                                               of the Birmingham Dobermann Club, joined us
           We do not allow previous owners to have             as editor, as she has the expertise to convert the
           the personal details of the dog’s new home,         articles into a format suitable for printing into a
           although, if requested, we can let them know        magazine.
           how the dog is progressing, as we will do a
           follow-up check to make sure that both dog and      We are funded by donations and are lucky to
           owners are happy.                                   have the support of the Welsh Dobermann
                                                               Club, Birmingham Dobermann Club and South
           Even after the dog has been re-homed, we are        West Dobermann Club who all make a yearly
           always available for help and advice and the        donation to us.
           rehomed dogs are our responsibility for the rest
           pf their lives. If at any time in the future the new   None of our helpers receive any payment so all
           owners are unable to keep them, for whatever        of our funds are spent on the care and welfare
           reason, then the dog will come back to us.          of our Dobermanns.

           We currently have four ‘Golden Oldies’ under        At the Welsh Dobermann Club last year Sue
           our care, who will be with us for the rest of their   James was given an award for her Services to
           lives, for various reasons. This includes Ollie,    the Dobermann – see photo of her receiving the
           although only 4 years old, was so traumatised       award from Mrs Pauline Hart, Vice President of
           by being continually shocked with an electric       the Welsh Dobermann Club
           collar, and even after months of rehabilitation

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