Page 167 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 167
Zarina Br
Aniiraz niiraz
A Zarina Broughough
In 1979, my mum brought her first Dobermann, numerous conversations between us, this is
a Black male called Vega ‘Fillidons Magic God’, apparently it for us, Dobermanns or nothing. So,
I was completely in awe of this majestic Breed. thank you Monty, a job truly well done! A few
As with all Breeds, my younger Sister and I were years later in 2005, I was given the opportunity
taught to respect him, and we never had a cross of a Brown Bitch, Leah Remesca Majolica
word! I remember fondly travelling around the who descends from the litter my mother bred
shows, mum couldn’t drive then, so Gran used from Lyra, way back then in 1984. Obviously, I
to take us around the country in her orange VW jumped at the opportunity and Leah arrived. We
Camper Van! Great memories. A few years later, lived in Ireland back then and we did a small
Mum bred her first litter from Lyra Torjet Class amount of showing but it wasn’t for Leah, she
Distinction’ to ‘Chornyton Midnight Mark……. really didn’t enjoy it and always switched off
from the bubbly bold funny girl to something
Fast forward to 2000 and I eventually got to own that looked miserable and fed up. We eventually
my very first Dobermann, a Brown Male called called it a day and as pre agreed, she went back
Monty. He wasn’t a Show Dog but made up for to Carol Smith for a litter…
it by being an amazing Pet, who transformed
my “Dobermann Hating” partner into someone Roll on to 2013 and I was looking for another
who like me now also adores the Breed. After Pup to show, after sadly loosing Monty to