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celebrations and hope that they will get
           under way in 2021 instead.

           The Club is hoping dog shows will be able
           to go ahead next year and will start the year
           with the two Open Shows and Companion
           Show and will hold two Championship
           Shows later on, one on our usual date in
           October and we are currently waiting for
           approval for the replacement Championship

                  Contact Secretary: June Piper

                        Tel: 01443 813604
                            Web site:
                        Facebook Group:
                     Welsh Dobermann Club

               Sue Garner, representing Dobermann
           rescue,  being presented with a cheque from
           the Welsh Dobermann Club by the late Alma
            Page-Owens who was the Club’s President
              for many years with Alan Roberts who
             was Chairman of the WDC Club for quite
              a number of years.  This was the Club’s
                   Championship Show in 2009.


                      DOBERMANN WELFARE


           The Dobermann Welfare Association was               organisation operates under the same ethos and
           formed in 1993 by a group of dedicated              constitution as before.
           volunteers who, between them, had many
           years of experience caring for and re-homing        The aim of the association is to rescue and re-
           unwanted, ill-treated and stray Dobermanns’.        home Dobermanns, who through no fault of their
                                                               own, are unwanted for whatever reason.
           During 1999 the Association’s committee
           decided to apply to become a Company limited        If it is possible, we will try and visit the home
           by guarantee, to protect our members, and this      where the dog’s come from, to see them in their
           was finalised in September 2000.  The new           home environment. We also visit prospective

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