Page 170 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 170

Vysan von hof ter Eeckhout.  Maddi had
           3 boys, Morgan stayed with us. His brother
           Cairo went to a friend who later made him
           an Irish Champion, Samenco Mr Perfect
           Jaysbury. The 3rd boy went to a family
           home.  Maddi was shown lightly in 2004
           and 2005 when she was retired.  She did

                                                               September 2006.  Morgan was our First
                                                               Homebred Champion.  He was joint top
                                                               Male in 2006, Top Male 2007, 2008 and
                                                               2009.  Morgan gained his stud book under
                                                               Billy Henderson at South Wales Kennel
                                                               Association.  He was awarded a Challenge
                                                               Certificate at Northern Ireland Dobermann
                                                               Championship show in 2010 when he was in
                                                               veteran, he beat his mother on this day for
           make a few appearances in Veteran.  At the
                                                               Best Veteran in Show.
           grand age of 8 years 6 months and 3 days
           old she won her last Green Star with Best of        In 2008 I was the first to import a male from
           Breed and went on to win the working group          the Sant Kreal kennel in Russia, Sant Kreal
           (Group 2 FCI System).                               Obelix.  Obi was originally purchased by
                                                               someone else but when Obi got to France
           Also during 2003 I purchased Miller,
                                                               their circumstances changed and I jumped
           Doberlane Strider von Samenco.  He too
                                                               at bringing him to Ireland.  They say that
           was bred by Tracie Mason.  Millers show
                                                               there is only ever one dog that will truly
           career was short lived as he tore both his
                                                               break your heart, a one in a million.  Obi
           cruciate ligaments.  Miller was joint top male
                                                               was that dog.  Obi was the kindest, softest
           in 2006 with his nephew Morgan before he
                                                               and most loyal of all the dogs I have had.
           was retired.  He gained his Irish Champion
           title and stud book number at Belfast               With Obi I experienced some new
           Championship Show.                                  adventures this time in Europe. We travelled
                                                               to Luxembourg where he gained the title
           Morgan, Samenco Hitman had a great
                                                               Junior Champion of Luxembourg.  We
           career. He followed in his mother’s
                                                               travelled to Hungary to take part at the IDC,
           footsteps. He qualified for the Irish
                                                               the largest show of Dobermanns. A show
           Pup of the Year final at Bangor’s First
                                                               every Dobermann enthusiast should take
           Championship show in 2005. Morgan
                                                               part in.  We also joined a working club as
           gained his Irish Champions title in
                                                               we knew Obi would love this sport and boy

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