Page 172 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 172


           Do Dobermannsbermanns

                                        by Amelia Murray insync K9


           It is important to consider the traits different    home environment. Today’s dog is generally
           breeds are bred for when training dogs              well tempered, intelligent, energetic, but still
           as individuals and making a training plan.          has good guarding instinct.
           The Dobermann was originally bred by a
           tax collector who needed a fearless and             Dobermanns are highly trainable and
           aggressive guard dog. Throughout history            can be trained for a variety of roles and
           they have been used in various police,              competitions, from basic pet obedience to
           military and security roles. Over the years,        search and rescue dogs to IGP sports dogs.
           most breeders have selected friendlier dogs         Having an outlet is key to keeping their
           to fit in with our modern way of life, where        brains mentally and physically healthy, as
           aggression is not tolerated in the family           dogs who are bored and left to their own

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