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                                            June 16, 2019

                                            Dear Colleagues and Other Workshop Attendees,

                                              It is that time of the year for the 2019 Annual Technical Assistance Work-    LETTER from the PRESIDENT ž
                                            shop of the National Association of HBCU Title III Administrators, Inc.
                                            This will be a homecoming for me since both of my parents were born
                                            in Mississippi. Conducting an annual workshop allows the association to
                                            fulfill its mission. This year’s workshop is still an opportunity to reengage
                                            with one another in developing best practices in administering and operat-
                                            ing Title III programs. As always, we hope this year’s workshop will live
                                            up to everyone’s expectations of learning.

                       As an organization with a purpose to preserve the integrity of our nation’s HBCUs, we understand
                     limitations of being able to maximize resources and the ability to secure resources to strengthen our
                     institutions. By working together and sharing information the annual workshop provides a source of
                     information beneficial in our day-to-day operations. As such, we are still committed to preserving the
                     integrity of Title III funding. The annual Technical Assistance Workshop has always been learning at its
                     best with this year’s workshop being no different than previous workshops.

                       This year’s theme is centered on “Title III: Focusing on HBCUs’ Excellence through Transformation,
                     Innovation, Transparency, Leveraging and Effectiveness.” Topics covered are meant to provide institu-
                     tions with additional knowledge that offer guidance and direction as we continue to strengthen HBCUs

                       I am very pleased that many of you are willing to use this workshop as a valuable learning opportunity
                     to learn more about Title III. On behalf of the Executive Board, I extend a welcome to each of you. For
                     some of you this will be your first workshop; while for others, it will be a chance to catch up and share.

                       The Workshop Planning Committee has done well in its role of putting together an agenda that will
                     address some training needs for Association member institutions. I would be remiss if I did not thank
                     the colleges and universities in Mississippi for their role during the planning for this year’s workshop.
                     Workshops and sessions are geared toward Transformation, Innovation, Transparency, Leveraging and
                     Effectiveness. During your time in Jackson, we hope you take the opportunity to enjoy what is being pre-
                     sented, relax during your down time and restore your desire to do what you can now and for the coming
                     program years.

                       I look forward to interacting with each of you during the 2019 Title III Technical Assistance Workshop.
                     During this time, I know we all will continue to work on making a difference on our campuses based on
                     our experience during the week.

                     Best Regards

                 Erick Akins
                     Erick Akins, Ph.D.
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