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                          ž  KEYNOTE SPEAKER for OPENING PLENARY SESSION  ž
                                                       L. HAYNES, III

                                                                 Senior Advisor
                                                            U.S. Department of Education

                                                                        tional Education Goals Panel, U.S. Department of Ed-
                                                                        ucation, 1993; Director, Office of Academic Programs,
                                                                        Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the United
                                                                        States Information Agency, 1991-1993; Advisor, Office
                                                                        of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Hu-
                                                                        man Services, 1991; Assistant Secretary, Office of Post-
                                                                        secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education,

                                                                        He was awarded Distinguished Adjunct Professor, The
                                                                        Ohio State University John Glenn College of Public Af-
                                                                        fairs and Senior Fellow, Consortium of Metropolitan
                                                                        Area Higher Education Institutions, Washington, D.C.
                                                                        Other honors include Honorary degrees from Ohio
                                                                        State University, Tougaloo College, Wiley  College, Al-
                                                                        abama A&M  University, Florida Memorial College,
                                                                        St. Thomas University, Stockton State College,  North-
                                                                        western State University, Bridgewater College, Claflin
                          Dr. Leonard L. Haynes, III is the Senior Advisor, Office   University, Miles College, Johnson C. Smith University,
                          of the Under Secretary, U.S. Department of Education,   Livingstone College, and Wilberforce  University.
                          Washington, DC.  He has served as Senior Director, In-
                          stitutional Services, Office of Postsecondary Education,   Dr. Haynes has been the recipient of various awards, in-
                          U.S. Department of Education, 2010–2016 (Retired   cluding an award for meritorious service to the United
                          as a member of the Senior Executive Service); Senior   States of America, presented by President George H.W.
                          Advisor, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Postsec-  Bush, 2/11/2016, President George W. Bush, 2/26/2016,
                          ondary Education, U.S. Department of Education, July   and President Barack Obama, 3/14/2016; 2015 Lena C.
                          2009–July 2010; Executive Director, White House Ini-  Bailey Lecture, College of Education and Human Ecol-
                          tiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities,   ogy, The Ohio State University Hall of Fame Inductee,
                          Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Education,   2012, The Ohio State University College of Education
                          2007–2009; Director, Fund for the Improvement of   and Human Ecology; and Recipient of the “Congres-
                          Postsecondary Education, U.S. Department of Educa-
                                                                        sional Minority Business Award” presented by the Con-

                          tion, 2003-2007; Special Assistant  to the Secretary, U.
                                                                        gressional Black Caucus, Washington, D.C., 2011.
                          S. Department of Education, 2001-2003; Advisor, Na-

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