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                                                DR. ALFRED
                                          RANKINS, JR.

                                          Commissioner of Higher Education
                                                 State of Mississippi                                                  SPECIAL GUEST  ž

            Dr. Alfred Rankins Jr. was appointed to serve as Com-
            missioner of Higher Education by the Board of Trustees
            of State Institutions of Higher Learning on March 22,
            2018 and began serving in this role on July 1, 2018. As
            Commissioner, Dr. Rankins provides leadership to the
            university system, including all eight public universities
            in Mississippi.

            Prior to being named Commissioner of Higher Educa-
            tion, Dr. Rankins served as the 19th president of Alcorn
            State University, the nation's oldest public land-grant
            HBCU. Under his leadership, the university excelled in
            academics and athletics and was noted nationally for
            its commitment to the student experience. During his
            four years as president of his alma mater, Dr. Rankins
            provided leadership that helped the university enroll its   University on March 4, 2014.  Prior to that, Dr. Rankins
            largest freshman class in its history and increased the   served as deputy commissioner for the Institutions of
            average ACT scores of entering freshmen for three con-  Higher Learning (IHL). While serving as deputy com-
            secutive years. The university achieved its highest ever   missioner, He also served as acting president of Missis-
            ranking by College Consensus as the #7 best HBCU   sippi Valley State University. Prior to his appointment
            and #1 best public HBCU in the nation. The universi-  at IHL, Dr. Rankins served on the faculty at Mississippi
            ty has established new academic programs and made   State University (MSU), where he was a tenured asso-
            important discoveries through its research. In athletics,   ciate professor in the College of Agriculture and Life
            Alcorn has also won several conference championships   Sciences and extension specialist with the MSU Exten-
            and a national championship, while graduating stu-  sion Service.
            dent-athletes in record numbers.
                                                          A native of Greenville, Mississippi, Dr. Rankins re-
            As President, Dr. Rankins improved campus infrastruc-  ceived a Bachelor of Science degree from Alcorn State
            ture and initiated and completed major capital projects.   University and both Master of Science and Doctor of
            In addition to the 1,700-acre Lorman campus, the uni-  Philosophy degrees from Mississippi State University.
            versity also includes branch locations in Natchez and   Dr. Rankins and his wife, Juandalyn, have two children
            Vicksburg.  He was named President of Alcorn State   Aftyn and Alfred.

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