Page 70 - EW July 2021 final
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             Wide but                                                                  home,” he writes. And true
                                                                                       to his interest, Baru has
             not deep                    INDIA’S POWER ELITE                           written a very concise his-
                                         — CLASS, CASTE AND A
                                         CULTURAL REVOLUTION
                                                                                       tory of independent India,
                                         Sanjaya Baru                                  highlighting the interplay
                   URRENTLY A            PENGUIN                                       between class and caste
                   Delhi-based policy                                                  leaders who built powerful
             Canalyst, writer and        Rs.699; Pages 228 pp                          elites.
             columnist, Sanjaya Baru                                                      Immediately after
             has excellent credentials                                                 independence when the
             to write this interestingly   the author hasn’t dug deep   The author fails   Harrow and Cambridge
             titled book. In his eventful,   enough.            to explain why         educated Jawaharlal
             and yet sure to be more    This volume details     independent India’s    Nehru, subsequently his
             productive life he has   several ephemeral elites   several powerful      daughter Indira Gandhi
             acquired rich and valuable   that ruled in Delhi and the   elites failed to make   and the Nehru-Gandhi
             insights into post-inde-  state capitals and shaped   sufficient impact   dynasty ruled India for
             pendence India’s power   public policy, but doesn’t                       almost four decades, class
             structure and establish-  provide an explanation                          was the most important
             ment as former editor of   why all of them failed to   be foolish to describe it   qualification for entry
             the Economic Times, Fi-  make sufficient impact   as a civilisation — and   into the ruling elite. Avid
             nancial Express, Business   and whether the incum-  especially of the vast ma-  followers of Nehru and his
             Standard, editorial page   bent new elite that has   jority at the bottom of the   brand of Soviet-inspired
             editor of the mighty Times   emerged during the past   socio-economic pyramid,   inorganic socialism under
             of India, media adviser to   decade, will be any differ-  is living proof that every   which the State would
             former prime minister Dr.   ent.                  government at the Centre   dominate the commanding
             Manmohan Singh whom        Way back in the 1930s   and in the states and their   heights of the Indian econ-
             he outed in his best-seller   in his epic eight-volume   elites, failed the creativity   omy, this urban elite was
             the Accidental Prime     A Study of History for   test and severely short-  obsessed with transform-
             Minister: the Making &   which he was awarded the   changed the proletariat.  ing primarily agricultural
             Unmaking of Manmohan     Nobel Prize, Prof. Arnold   According to World   India into an industrial
             Singh (2014) and 1991:   Toynbee traced the rise   Bank data, currently over   power in double quick
             How P.V. Narasimha Rao   and fall of great civilisa-  880 million citizens of free   time, with little interest in
             Made History (2016).     tions and societies. In this   India have a per capita per   the rural hinterland which
                To this impressive cur-  magnum opus replete with   day income of $2 or less   supported 80 percent of
             riculum vitae add academ-  case studies, he convinc-  which means they suffer   the population. As a result
             ic experience as faculty in   ingly demonstrated that   severe deficits of food,   educationally neglected
             the International Institute   when dominant elites are   clothing and shelter —   rural India continued to be
             of Strategic Studies, Lon-  creative and improve the   the essentials of civilised   ruled by dominant castes
             don, JNU, Delhi and the   lot of the masses, civilisa-  existence. Baru recounts   and became a vast arena of
             Lee Kuan Yew School of   tions flourish and thrive.  how several class, caste   caste warfare for the next
             Public Policy, Singapore.   However when elites   and combinations thereof   half century, with castes
                Unfortunately while   cease to be creative and   rose to power and domina-  and combinations thereof
             this book is a mile wide   become self-serving, they   tion, but has neglected to   constituting the power
             — an abridged history    transform into oppressive   tell us the reasons for their   elite.
             of free India — it is only   minorities which catalyses   decline and failure.     All this is interestingly
             inches deep. At the end,   a phenomenon Toynbee     In the preface, the au-  recorded by Baru in this
             the promise inherent     describes as a “secession   thor admits to fascination   book of commendable
             in its title is unfulfilled.   of the proletariat”, setting   with the study of “politics   scholarship and sweep.
             Although one learns that   in motion a process in   and power”. “My father   However this opus is
             the English speaking up-  which civilisations become   was a civil servant close to   disappointing because the
             per middle class remains   vulnerable to “barbarians”,   a succession of chief min-  author fails to examine
             a powerful elite in Delhi   and decline and fall.  isters… and conversations   why the Nehruvian power
             and metropolitan India,    The pathetic condition   about class and caste and   elite at the Centre and the
             and caste dynamics are   of India’s post-indepen-  the struggles for power   caste elites in the states
             dominant in rural India,   dence society — it would   were commonplace at   failed — and failed they

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