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did as testified by the per-  times subsequently. Samp-
             vasive poverty, illiteracy   son examined the power   THE FATE OF BUTTERFLIES
             and misery which the vast   structure of the UK and
             majority of the populace   its well-networked public   Nayantara Sahgal
             suffers on a daily basis —   school and Oxbridge elite   SPEAKING TIGER
             to transform into creative   which ruled Britain and   Rs.455
             minorities to raise general   half the world for several   Pages 144
             living standards of the   centuries, and continues
             proletariat and maximise   to rule the UK through the
             the potential of indepen-  Conservative Party.
             dent India.                This enduring po-      story of several people but   Butterflies is a
                In this 228-page book,   litical party was — and   centres mainly around   timely reminder
             Baru makes no comment    is — driven by a continu-  Prabhakar, a professor   of what’s at stake
             about the foolish left-turn   ously evolving elite which   of political science who   in the relentless
             down the road to socialism   supports this tiny nation’s   has risen from destitution   pursuit of muscular
             of the Nehruvian-Lutyens   mercantile and indus-  to becoming a respected   nationalism
             power elite. Surely given   trial revolution traditions   author, caught in the
             their excellent education   and its great education   maelstrom of contempo-
             they should have known   institutions. This creative   rary history, and Sergei, a   that they are strangers in a
             that pre-British raj India   minority laid the founda-  Russian arms dealer who   country they had previ-
             had been a highly success-  tions of the world’s largest   has given up the idea of   ously called their own.
             ful private enterprise driv-  empire which has since   writing a book narrating   The trajectory of Prab-
             en subcontinent with well-  made an orderly retreat   the story of the trade to   hakar’s life is rudely inter-
             established mercantile   into comfortable national   concentrate on his father’s   rupted one day when he
             and banking traditions. It   prosperity.          business, and has shed his   comes across a corpse on
             was utterly foolish to have   A study of Britain’s   Russian inheritance and   the crossroads, naked but
             ignored this advantage   self-perpetuating public   identity and assumed one   for a skullcap on its head.
             and replace it with bu-  school and Oxbridge elite   of cosmopolitanism. It   The pervasive violence of
             reaucrats managing public   would have provided Baru   also includes, inter alia,   public life intersects in the
             sector enterprises which   answers to why India’s   Francois and Prahalad, a   story with his increasing
             soon became millstones of   ephemeral power elites,   gay couple who own and   intimacy with Katerina/
             the Indian economy. Nor   which he has described   run Bonjour, a fine dining   Katya. The novel is a po-
             does the author comment   in detail, failed, and will   restaurant and break-  litical allegory providing a
             on how state govern-     continue to do so.       fast venue. Very quickly   snapshot of the times we
             ments dominated by rural           DILIP THAKORE       the novel establishes a   live in. The author maps
             castes and combinations                           cosmopolitan identity as   the swing to the Right not
             have deliberately and                             the composite or definitive   only in the national but
             continuously neglected   Whose India              Indian identity.        in a broadly international
             education — the ultimate                            It is this identity that’s   context. It narrates the
             leveller — of the masses to   binary              at stake in a majoritarian    rise of jingoistic national-
             perpetuate their rule in the                      India, where pluralities   ism and xenophobia in
             hinterlands of India which    HE FATE OF          are suppressed to pres-  countries, leaders and
             remains mired in poverty,     Butterflies by      ent a singular, monolithic   people in Europe and an
             lawlessness and misery.  Tthe redoubtable         identity based solely on   increasingly growing sense
                Baru’s reflections on   Nayantara Sahgal is    religion. At the heart of the   of intolerance in people of
             American writer C. Wright   another testimonial to   narrative is also the story   ‘others’.
             Mill’s The Power Elite   her versatile imagination.   of Katerina, who, along   While the composition
             (1956) which examined    Interweaving personal and   with some rural women,   of the ‘other’ is shown
             the US establishment,    the political like many of   is brutalized, gangraped   to vary from one place
             inspired him to write this   Sahgal’s earlier books, this   and left to die. The novel   to another, the core idea
             book. Perhaps he should   novel narrates a history   also recounts the impact   is communicated in no
             have read Anthony Samp-  of the present from a fast   of polarization on Rafeeq   uncertain terms. The po-
             son’s Anatomy of Britain   receding liberal-secular   and Rahman — an intrepid   litical discussion is around
             first printed in 1962 and   perspective.          chef and owner of Kaif   Prabhakar’s book in which
             rewritten by him several   Butterflies traces the   Cafe — who suddenly find   his protagonist Mirajkar

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