Page 73 - EW July 2021 final
P. 73

Eduleader Bytes

                   R. CHANDRASEKAR

             Chairman, MS Dhoni Global
             School, Bengaluru and the Litera
             Valley Zee School, Hosur

              Where would you place   tive and clear goals for
              education on your national   teachers and students — to
              list of priorities?     see the big picture.
              Absolutely at the very top.
              I consider myself blessed   Your favourite book on
              to be in service of the na-  education.
              tion through education.  A New Culture of Learn-
                                      ing: Cultivating the
              How best to upgrade gov-  Imagination for a World
              ernment schools?        of Constant Change by
              Inculcate greater levels   Douglas Thomas and
              of social responsibil-  John Seely Brown. It
              ity within their teachers’   enabled me to crystal-
              communities. For this,   lise my thoughts about
              willingness of government   the future of educa-
              school teachers to upskill   tion.
              themselves and upgrade
              the system is vital.    Should the education
                                      outlay be doubled
              Thinker/philosopher you   by cutting defence
              admire the most.        expenditure?
              The Chinese philosopher   I couldn’t agree more! A
              Confucius. One of his   well-educated citizenry
              many teachings was “Suc-  is the best defence against
              cess is a work in progress.   foreign aggression.
              Keep moving towards
              your dream no matter    What is your 3-point
              how long it takes.” This   prescription to revitalise
              has become my philoso-  Indian K-12 education
              phy and watchword.      post-pandemic?
                                      My 3-point prescription
              Your favourite Nobel laure-  would be to
              ate.                    • Enable students to like,
              Sir C.V. Raman. His     love, learn…
              determination and intel-  • Make them mentally and   Litera Valley Zee Schools?  about the future of educa-
              lectual integrity while   physically strong      Delighted and excited   tion in India?
              conducting research in   • Make them future-ready   about the growth of these   Highly optimistic, as I
              adverse conditions should   for the 21st century  institutions in academ-  believe that the Central
              inspire every student to                         ics, sports, co-curricular   government will pro-
              strive to reach the top.  How satisfied are you   and technology-enabled   vide necessary support
                                      with the growth and      education.              and facilities needed to
              Your leadership style.  development of the MS                            contemporise the national
              I believe in setting distinc-  Dhoni Global School and   Pessimistic or optimistic   education system.

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