Page 72 - EW July 2021 final
P. 72


             expresses interest in a   muscular nationalism that   and is a salutary reminder   lies at the heart of Sah-
             hypothetical overturning   has emerged in countries   of threats, internal and   gal’s latest novel. While
             of the traditional virtues   which have been hitherto   external, that beset us. The   Sahgal’s legacy or idea
             of altruism and tolerance   acknowledged as among   characters seem to belong   of India is of Nehruvian
             to replace them with a Ni-  the most liberal, progres-  to an earlier, gentler time,   cosmopolitanism and
             etzschean (and dystopic)   sive and secular democra-  till they are brought face to   liberalism, it’s a reminder
             view of history. Having   cies. When we read Mira-  face with escalating hatred   that there are those whose
             endorsed eugenic experi-  jkar’s words and witness   and tension captured in   idea of nationalism is
             ments and the somewhat   enactment of Prabhakar’s   the metaphoric title of the   steeped in blood, guts and
             Darwinian perspective of    worst fears and fantasies,   book, which faintly echoes   gore. In short, who are the
             ancient Spartans more as a   we realise that at stake is   Shakespeare’s King Lear:   inheritors of the nation
             hypothesis than anything   not just liberal and pro-  “Like flies to wanton boys/  state — proponents of civic
             else, Prabhakar realises   gressive political values,   Are we to the gods/They   nationalism or primordial
             that his book runs the risk   but our own humanity.   kill us for their sport.” As   nationalists?
             of being appropriated by   That, and a belief in core   social polarization and   In The Fate of But-
             a ruthless, authoritar-  life-affirming values of   division escalates into   terflies, we are presented
             ian regime to provide a   freedom, mutual tolerance   hatred, violence spreads   with ample evidence of
             theoretical bulwark and   and harmony, values that   its tentacles and strength-  Sahgal’s feistiness and
             justification for taking    emanate from our belief   ens its grip, even as the   political courage. She has
             extreme measures.        in a common humanity we   spiralling and incremental   never hesitated to tell it
                Coming at a time when   share with our brethren.  maelstrom creates an at-  like it is, and has once
             right-wing populism is     Sahgal’s style and per-  mosphere where foment-  again demonstrated that
             ruling the roost, Butter-  spective may be criticised   ing hate and fear is the   she is not afraid to speak
             flies is a timely reminder   as being elite cosmopoli-  order of the day.  truth to power.
             of what is at stake in   tan, but the book makes    Whose India is it         MEENAKSHI MALHOTRA
             the relentless pursuit of   a strong plea for sanity,   anyway is a question that   (The Book Review)

             72    EDUCATIONWORLD   JULY 2021
   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76