Page 40 - EducationWorld Feb 2021 Low
P. 40

Cover Story

              ECCE: The Heckman Equation                       • Prioritise investment in quality early childhood education
                                                               for at-risk children. All families are under increasing strain;
                 conomics Nobel laureate (2000) Prof. James J.            disadvantaged families are strained to the
              EHeckman’s groundbreaking work with a con-                  limit. They have fewer resources to invest
              sortium of economists, psychologists, statisticians         in effective early development. Without re-
              and neuroscientists shows that early childhood              sources such as ‘parent-coaching’ and early
              development directly influences economic, health            childhood education programs, many at-risk
              and social outcomes for individuals and society.            children miss the developmental growth that
              Adverse early environments create deficits in skills        is the foundation for success. They will suffer
              and abilities that drive down productivity and in-          for the rest of their lives — and all of us will
              crease social costs — thereby adding to financial           pay the price in higher social costs — and
              deficits borne by the public.                               declining economic fortunes.
                “The highest rate of return in early childhood            • Develop cognitive and character skills ear-
              development comes from investing as early as                ly. Invest in the ‘whole child’. Effective early
              possible, from birth through age five, in disadvantaged families.   childhood education packages cognitive skills with character
              Starting at age three or four is too little too late, as it fails to   skills such as attentiveness, impulse control, persistence and
              recognise that skills beget skills in a complementary and dy-  teamwork. Together, cognition and character drive education,
              namic way. Efforts should focus on the first years for greatest   career and life success — with character development often
              efficiency and effectiveness. The best investment is in quality   being the most important factor.
              early childhood development from birth to five for disadvan-  • Provide developmental resources to children and their
              taged children and their families,” said Heckman in a famous   families. Direct investment in the child’s early development is
              statement made in 2012. In numerous advisories to the US   complemented by investment in parents and family environ-
              government and public, Prof. Heckman recommended efficient   ments. Quality early childhood education from birth to age
              and effective public investment in early childhood education to   five, coupled with parent-coaching, such as home visitation
              reduce deficits and strengthen the economy as under.  programs for parents and teen mothers, has proven to be
              • Investing in early childhood education is a cost-effective   effective and warrants more investment.
              strategy — even during a budget crisis. Deficit reduction will   • Invest, develop and sustain to produce gain. Invest in de-
              only come from wiser investment of public and private dol-  velopmental resources for at-risk children. Develop their
              lars. Data shows that one of the most effective strategies for   cognitive and character skills from birth to age five, when it
              economic growth is investing in the developmental growth of   matters most. Sustain gains in early development with ef-
              at-risk young children. Short-term costs are more than offset   fective education through to adulthood. Gain more capable,
              by the immediate and long-term benefits through reduction in   productive and valuable citizens who pay dividends for gen-
              the need for special education and remediation, better health   erations to come.
              outcomes, reduced need for social services, lower criminal   Source:
              justice costs and increased self-sufficiency and productivity   early-childhood-development-reduce-deficits-strengthen-
              among families.                                  the-economy/

             to have prepared and certified over   to offer remote learning engagement   try’s 1.3 million anganwadi centres
             300,000 youngest children for entry   tools. Therefore, the overall impact   (AWCs) established under the Central
             into primary education, says the im-  of the Covid pandemic on ECCE has   government’s Integrated Child Devel-
             pact of the protracted lockdown has   been harsh with many ECCE centres   opment Services (ICDS) programme
             been “brutal” for standalone propri-  having to shut down permanently,”   introduced in 1976.
             etorial preschools.              says Rajan.                        However, the prime objective of
                “Although some organised sector   In this connection, it’s important to   AWCs established countrywide is to
             ECCE providers including EuroKids   note that the heavy damage to early   provide nutrition to lactating mothers
             swiftly migrated to remote learning   childhood education is not restricted   and new borns of low-income house-
             engagement to provide uninterrupted   to the estimated 55,000 privately pro-  holds. The quality of early childhood
             learning, the demand for online learn-  moted preschools that are in the van-  education dispensed by under-paid,
             ing has been low in the pre-kinder-  guard of the nation’s belated ECCE   under-trained and usually solitary
             garten segment, i.e, playgroups and   movement. Private preschools provide   AWC workers is rudimentary. More-
             nursery, with average demand com-  professionally administered ECCE to a   over, the country’s one million-plus
             ing from kindergarten students. Most   mere 5-10 percent of the country’s 165   AWCs have room to accommodate
             of the ECCE segment consists of un-  million infants in the 0-5 age group.   only 80 million of India’s under-5 in-
             organised (standalone, proprietorial)   The vast majority of youngest chil-  fants. Over half don’t receive any for-
             pre-primaries with limited resources   dren receive basic ECCE in the coun-  mal ECCE at all, a colossal waste of

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