Page 41 - EducationWorld Feb 2021 Low
P. 41

high-potential human capital.                                     dents) and rank them in each city.
                Unfortunately, AWCs across the                                 Subsequently at our national confer-
             country have been shut down for over                              ences, promoters and principals of
             nine months with 80 million young-                                top-ranked preschools are felicitated
             est children not only deprived of all-                            and presented prizes and certificates.
             important ECCE, but also of free-of-                                ECCE  leaders and  profession-
             charge nutrition provided by these                                als acknowledge the spearhead role
             centres. According to  Dr. Vijayta                                played by this education advocacy
             Mahendru, a policy analyst at the                                 publication in disseminating aware-
             Delhi-based Centre for Budget and                                 ness of professionally administered
             Governance Accountability (CBGA),                                 ECCE on government, educators and
             a highly-respected Delhi-based think                              parents countrywide. “The impact of
             tank (estb.2005), children in AWCs                                EducationWorld is huge, mammoth
             have suffered “permanent, irrevers-                               and massive. Over the past 20 years,
             ible, and irredeemable” damage dur-                               if any positive changes have happened
             ing the pandemic prompted national                                in education, it’s because  EW  has
             lockdown of pre-primary schools.                                  raised them editorially, debated them
             “       EXPERTS HAVE NOTED       Mahendru: time sensitive matter  gered the government and education
                                                                               in conferences and constantly bad-

                                                                               stakeholders. Also on behalf of the
                     that nutrition eclipses ECE
                     (early childhood education)
                                                                               to thank EducationWorld for leverag-
                     in  ICDS — both in  terms   of foundational ECCE upon the public   Early Childhood Association, I’d like
             of funds received as well as the time   and government. Following a chance   ing our work, at a time when we were
             and attention given to it by the AWW   encounter in 2005 with educationist-  struggling to be heard and seen,” ac-
             (anganwadi worker). This is due to   philanthropists  Lowell  and  Mike   knowledged Dr. Swati Popat Vats
             several reasons like lack of adequate   Milken, co-promoters of Knowledge   in a tribute to EW on the occasion of
             resources, infrastructure, person-  Universe, a Los Angeles-based corpo-  its 20th anniversary in 2019.
             nel  training  and  overburdening  of   ration which owned Kinder Care, the   The upshot of the concerted efforts
             AWWs. Despite these shortcomings,   largest chain of private preschools in   spanning a decade of ECA, Education-
             AWCs remain the largest providers of   the  US,  who  readily  agreed  to  pur-  World and knowledgeable education
             ECE in India. The Covid-19 pandemic   chase an equity stake in Education-  professionals was that both the T.S.R.
             has caused serious disruption to the   World, this publication has convened   Subramanian  (2016)  and  Dr. K.
             entire ICDS system… ECE is a time-  ten international/national ECCE con-  Kasturirangan (2018) committees
             sensitive matter. Therefore, it is criti-  ferences to discuss and debate early   constituted to frame the National
             cal, not only for the future of children,   childhood education issues.   Education Policy of the newly-elected
             but of the entire society, that this mat-  Moreover since 2010, we have   (2014) BJP/NDA government at the
             ter be addressed urgently, alternatives   been conducting the annual Educa-  Centre, recommended formalisation
             devised promptly and children begin   tionWorld India Preschool Rankings   and greater official attention to ECCE.
             to receive vital pre-school education,”   which rate the Top 20 preschools in   To the great satisfaction of your
             wrote (September 29) Mahendru, an   16 cities and towns countrywide un-  editors, the National Education Policy
             economics postgrad of Delhi Univer-  der ten parameters (including teacher   (NEP), 2020 promulgated with great
             sity and JNU and former consultant   competence, infrastructure, safety &   fanfare on July 29 last year accepted
             with Tata Steel and Indian Council of   hygiene, individual attention to stu-  the recommendations of the Kasturi-
             World Affairs, prior to signing up with                           rangan Committee to transfer jurisdic-
             CBGA in 2019, in a blogpost for CBGA                              tion of ECCE from the Union ministry
             (  The vast majority of            of Women and Child Development to
             losing-precious-time-impact-covid-  youngest children receive     the renamed (from HRD) Union edu-
             19-early-childhood-education/).                                   cation ministry, universalise early
                The heavy damage suffered by the   rudimentary ECCE in the     childhood education and integrate it
             ECCE sector is especially disheart-  country’s 1.34 million       with  the formal primary-secondary
             ening for your editors in Education-                              school system.
             World. From the early years of the   anganwadi centres,              “Universal provisioning of quality
             new millennium, this publication has   established under the      early childhood development, care and
             been in the forefront of a national ini-                          education must be achieved as soon as
             tiative to impact the vital importance   Centre’s ICDS programme  possible, and no later than 2030 to en-

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