Page 43 - EducationWorld Feb 2021 Low
P. 43
Pandemic packages for education The government has also offered preschools and schools
access to special funding to cover exceptional Covid-19
ince February/March last year when the Coronavirus costs during the March-July period (£25,000- £75,000).
Spandemic disrupted education and economic activity A £1 billion (Rs.9,500 crore) fund to help children catch
around the world, several national governments have decreed up on missed learning while schools were closed.
financial aid packages for education institutions forced to
down shutters. Despite students not attending conventional
classes, institutional managements have to incur considerable Australia
expense to switch to digital online classes, maintain school
campuses and continue to pay teacher and staff salaries. The Early Childhood Education and Care Relief Package.
However in the prime minister’s Rs.20.97 lakh crore Under this programme block grants in lieu of child care
economy revival package announced on May 12, 2020 — and and additional child care subsidies are provided to pub-
in subsequent Union finance ministry pronouncements — lic and private pre-primaries to meet school maintenance
there is deafening silence about education although currently, and teachers and staff retention expenditure.
an estimated 300 million children and youth are struggling to Through its higher education relief package, the federal
maintain learning continuity. On the other hand, governments government has guaranteed Commonwealth Grant
around the world have made generous allocations to keep Scheme payments to all public HEIs through 2020.
their education institutions alive during the pandemic era. Private HEIs are eligible for grants under the JobKeeper
Payment scheme, a temporary assistance programme
USA for businesses significantly affected by Covid-19.
A$18 billion (Rs.95,400 crore) federal endowment for
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security universities to see them through the Covid-19 crisis.
(CARES) Act, passed on March 27, provides $13.5 billion The government has also budgeted A$10 million (Rs.53
(Rs.98,550 crore) in formula funding for (public, charter, crore) in special circumstances funding for non-govern-
and private schools) schools and $14.5 billion (Rs.1.06 ment schools to enable them to maintain and sanitise
lakh crore) for higher education institutions. Moreover, an schools to slow the spread of Covid-19.
additional $3 billion is budgeted for miscellaneous needs.
$15.5 billion for the government’s Supplemental Nutri- Canada
tional Assistance Programme.
$8.8 billion for Child Nutrition Programmes to ensure A $9 billion (Rs.49,500 crore) Canada Emergency Stu-
students receive mid-day meals when schools are shut- dent Benefit Scheme provides grants to post-secondary
tered. students and recent graduates under a job-support
$3.5 billion for Child Care and Development Block programme.
Grants, to fund childcare expenditure of low-income A $2 billion Safe Return to Class Fund budgeted to en-
families. sure the safety of students and staff members through
$750 million (Rs.5,625 crore) for the Head Start early- the academic year.
education programme. Payment of up to 75 percent of wages to teachers and
$100 million (Rs.750 crore) under Project SERV pro- support staff working in universities and health insti-
gramme to sanitise and disinfect schools and for provid- tutes, up to $847 per week per employee.
ing mental health and distance learning services.
The Quebec provisional government has announced
$375 million in financial support for the province’s post-
UK secondary students.
Office for Students (OfS) – the country’s higher educa- Abu Dhabi
tion regulatory authority — confirmed extension of all
government support schemes to public and private The Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowl-
institutions. edge together with Ma’an (a social investment fund
All education institutions (schools and universities) are endowed by the government) has introduced a Together
eligible to apply for term loans under the Coronavirus We are Good Fund. It provides financial support to
Business Interruption Loan Scheme and Covid Corpo- parents of children in private schools to pay tuition fees
rate Financing Facility. and/or purchase digital devices for distance learning.
Schools and HEIs (higher education institutions) can The government launched a Ghadan 21 programme
also access the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme to under which it provides term loan to schools at more
safeguard teachers and support staff employment. favourable terms than commercial banks.
OfS has also announced a £2.6 billion (Rs.24,700 crore)
package for students to pay their 2020-21 tuition and (Source: EW compilation based on EY Parthenon, UK government
other fees in advance. publications, Bloomberg and other media reports)