Page 48 - EducationWorld Feb 2021 Low
P. 48


             New era of blended

             learning has begun

                                                                                                   SUMESH NAIR

                N RECENT YEARS, LARGER BUDGETS FOR             With the anti Covid-19 vaccine set to be
                digital learning programmes, new tech innovations,   rolled out countrywide within the next
                enhancement of virtual training tools and rising
             Ipopularity of social media, have given a huge stimulus   few months and the world fast returning
             to e-learning.                                    to normal, there are high chances that an
                According to a 2016 report by US-based Statista Re-
             search Department, the global market size for e-learning   irreversible behavioural shift in favour of
             was $150 million (Rs.1,095 crore) and is projected to   online learning will manifest
             grow by 5 percent per year in the 2017-24 period. Some
             of the reasons why the e-learning business has witnessed
             impressive growth is the recent pandemic-driven demand
             for digital solutions, its learning flexibility and effective-  no time constraints or age limit. Increasingly, edtech
             ness, easy availability of virtual training tools, boost in   platforms are providing courses at nominal prices for
             employee productivity and rising interest in distance   everyone as infrastructure costs are falling daily.
             learning. In addition, the global executive e-learning mar-  The upshot of the new e-learning revolution that’s
             ket is also growing at a fast pace.               sweeping the world is that globally top-ranked universi-
                According to a 2020 survey by Technavio, a UK-based   ties including Harvard and MIT are making their de-
             market research firm, the global market for e-learning   gree programmes available and accessible online. More
             will expand by $1,890 million (Rs.1,400 crore) in revenue   recently, the Harvard Business Review enabled business
             terms by 2024. Social media, mobile phones and analytics   management students to access quality content, net-
             technologies have accelerated the adoption of e-learning   working opportunities and case-based learning online.
             which ensures that study programmes can reach mas-  Moreover, several top-ranked American universities are
             sive numbers of students at a fraction of the cost of the   collaborating with ed-tech platforms such as Coursera
             traditional education process. Self-driven career ad-  and Edx to provide education globally.
             vancement and training are other factors spurring global   nsurprisingly, outbreak of the global Covid-19 pan-
             demand for e-learning programmes. In India, several top   Udemic which has forced the closure of all education
             tier B-schools including IIM-Nagpur, XLRI and IIM-Ka-  institutions in India since mid-March, has provoked an
             shipur are shifting their graduate placement preparation   online WFH (work from home) revolution. In India, the
             processes online, and have tied up with edtech platforms   middle-class parents’ community is beginning to discern
             such as Board Infinity to provide personalised 1:1 profes-  the advantages of online learning. According to a survey
             sional education. Students connect with experts based on   conducted by LocalCircles, a social network based in
             their profiles and interests to receive actionable feedback   Noida, 64 percent of parents in 204 urban districts coun-
             and insights. These B-schools are saving time and cost   trywide are in favour of e-learning. Although there are
             while making sure students are prepared for placement   limitations in terms of Internet connectivity, the overall
             interviews.                                       experience of online learning during the pandemic era
                A 2016 Pew Research Centre survey indicates that 63   has been good, and parents are waking up to the numer-
             percent of working adults classify themselves as profes-  ous advantages of tech-enabled learning in terms of costs
             sional learners. These are professionals who sign up for   and flexibility.
             online programmes to improve their job and life skills for   With the anti-Covid-19 vaccine set to be rolled out
             career advancement. Increasingly, young graduates be-  countrywide within the next few months and the world
             lieve that continuous learning and upskilling is necessary   fast returning to normal, there are high chances that an
             in an increasingly VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complex-  irreversible behavioural shift in favour of digital learning
             ity and ambiguity) world, and are signing up in droves for   will manifest. Although the general preference for physi-
             in-service e-learning programmes after securing employ-  cal classrooms and lecture hall learning will never dis-
             ment in industry and business.                    sipate, a blended/hybrid online-offline learning model is
                These students learn from devices such as tablets,   certain to become entrenched, starting with the country’s
             computers, mobiles, etc and want faculty to record con-  top 10 cities and gradually spreading to the hinterland.
             tent and post it online as course material. For teachers   In sum, e-education is here to stay and Indian and global
             and faculty, the challenge is to create high-quality video,   teaching-learning is certain to be better for it.
             text and animation content that engages students. The
             great advantage of e-learning and online study pro-  (Sumesh Nair is the Mumbai-based co-founder and CEO of Board Infinity,
             grammes is that it traverses geographical barriers, has   a career exploration platform)

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