Page 46 - EducationWorld Feb 2021 Low
P. 46
he current-day scenario is fast changing with the parent that digital-empowered virtual education is as
the rapid onset of 360-degree digital overhaul effective as classroom teaching. The Government schools
in our lives and society, due to COVID19. have no plans and teaching is at a standstill.
T Digital transformation is now touching every
aspect of human life. The digital wave is not only changing Today, formal schooling is under threat; nobody is able
and redefining industries across the globe, but it also to predict when the schools are going to reopen. Many
extends to the most important part of human evolution teachers are insecure about their jobs.
- Education. It is imperative for education to transform
digitally and leverage an experience that enriches educators Effective learning has always depended on effective
and students across, to secure a better future for all. Pain teachers. Due to the COVID 19 situation, we have moved
areas which are universally affecting all educational into the age of technology-empowered education where the
institutions are Teaching-Learning Transactions. teacher remains the critical link to learning. The integration
of technology does however create a more sophisticated and
The effective integration of technology in education is robust role for teachers during teaching.
inevitable. However, it requires thoughtful blending of
online infrastructure, access, knowledge, and empowerment Technology opens new doors to assessing, evaluating,
of students, educators, schools, and communities. It and monitoring student learning, empowering teachers to
requires a complex balance between the best of traditional help students capitalize on academic strengths and improve
education and new insights about how people learn. It academic weaknesses.
depends on the use of technology to promote and enrich
collaboration and communication and to enable new levels Like all professionals, teachers need an opportunity to
of virtual learning for life. polish skills, update knowledge, and maintain professional
connections. In schools as in companies worldwide,
India has nearly 400,000 unaided private schools, with professional development with technology is proving to
more than 79 Mil students enrolled. A majority of these have benefits that extend throughout the organization.
schools are “affordable”, “low-cost” or “budget” private
schools. There are 1.3 Mil Government Primary to Higher Imagine, if formal education perishes in our country.
Secondary School with more than 113 Mil students enrolled. Imagine, if our teachers are not empowered. The youngest
Both in government and private schools. 21 Mil teachers population of the world will be handicapped in the
are employed. “Knowledge Age”.
Many private schools have lost their path and they are As per my research Tech Avant-Garde has
grappling in the dark on how to transform themselves to successfully implemented a “Digital Transformation
meet the challenges of the COVID era. They are fighting a and Holistic learning” program, to transform schools
three corner battle; First, how to get transformed digitally, from four walls of the classroom to a Connected Learning
Second, how to train their teachers and Third, to convince Community. Under this program, teachers have been