Page 47 - EducationWorld Feb 2021 Low
P. 47

“There are good
                                                                                  reasons for sug-
                                                                                  gesting that the
                                                                                  modern age has
                                                                             ended. Many things
                                                                                  indicate that we
                                                                               are going through
                                                                                a transitional pe-
                                                                               riod were it seems
                                                                             something is on the
                                                                              way out and some-
                                                                                thing else is pain-
                                                                                 fully being born”

                                                                                    Vaclev Havel

         trained in Gen Extra Muros – Knowledge Beyond Walls   - Remote Internet Speed and Equipment
         pedagogy. Educators trained in this program are “Future
         Ready”.                                           - Too Much Focus on Automation

            The learning ecosystem involves many parties: students,   - Phishing Sites
         teachers, parents, administrators, government agencies
         and  the  community  at  large.  Digital  Transformation  in   - Data Privacy
         education forms the confines of today’s brick and mortar
         schools, to a Connected Learning Community. The   - Mobile Security
         Connected Learning Community is a vision for lifelong
         learning. Connected learning today, and in the future,   - Deepfake Content
         gives rise to a next-generation learning ecosystem powered
         by  technology  solutions  that  support  highly  accessible,   I will discuss these
         engaging, and personalized learning for the “Knowledge   problems with experts
         Age”.                                             and seek solutions from
                                                           them. Meanwhile, if you are
            I  have  identified  ten  problems  which  are  faced  by   facing any problems in
         educational institutions, as they stand at the crossroads,   this transitional phase
         where traditional education is on the way out and education   please send me an
         for the knowledge age is painfully being born.  The Digital   email, I will try to seek
         Transformation challenges are as follow:          solutions for your issues
                                                           too. I will be writing
         - Employee Pushback                               ten articles on seeking
                                                           answers to Digital
         - Lack of Expertise to Lead Digitization Initiatives  Transformation
                                                           challenges in
         - Organizational Structure                        Education. I
                                                           hope you will
         - Lack of Overall Digitization Strategy           support me by
                                                           sending your
         - Limited Budget                                  problems for
                                                           me to find the
         - Employee Productivity Measurement               solutions.
                                                                                        ROSHINI KUMAR
                                                                         Thought Leader - Digital Transformation
         - Digital Industry Conference Platforms                           

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