Page 44 - EducationWorld Feb 2021 Low
P. 44

Cover Story

             once-in-a-century Covid-19 pandemic
             upon the education system — and
             particularly the early childhood edu-
             cation sector — lightly. “When the
             city of Reggio Emilia in Italy was de-
             stroyed in World War II, its citizens
             resolved that before rebuilding their
             homes and the city, they would first
             rebuild early years learning centres to
             ensure that while they are busy with
             reconstruction, their youngest chil-
             dren would be safe, stimulated and
             wouldn’t lose their most important
             years of development. My plea is that
             every state and local government in
             India should learn from this example.
             Research studies conducted by Nobel
             laureate-economist James Heckman
             have conclusively proved that every
             dollar invested in ECCE will reduce   Private pre-primary in Gurgaon: modern ECCE providers
             expenditure of $16 in remedial school
             and higher education. The Central,   an urgent imperative in the national   tising and disinfection of schools (see
             state and local governments should   interest,” says Rajan.       box p. 43).
             urgently vaccinate all preschool and   The comprehensive neglect of the   In sharp contrast, not only has the
             anganwadi teachers and restart day-  education sector and adamantine re-  Union government declined to classify
             cares and preschools so that par-  fusal of government to classify private   private education institutions, which
             ents get back to work and place the   education institutions —  including   host 47.5 percent of all school-going
             economy back on track,” advises Dr.   pre-primaries — as MSMEs and thus   children and 70 percent of youth in
             Swati Popat Vats, president of ECA   eligible for pandemic relief packages   higher education as MSMEs entitled
             (quoted earlier).                such as soft loans, longer repayment   to long-term bank credit and interest
             P        RAJODH RAJAN,  PRESI-   indicates that the country’s politi-  have brazenly encouraged parents to
                                              periods and government  subsidies,
                                                                               subsidies, several state governments
                                              cians and bureaucrats are unaware of
                                                                               stop paying contracted tuition fees
                      DENT  of the EuroKids
                      chain of 1,105 owned and
                      franchised  preschools,  the massive relief packages provided   even if their children are availing
                                              to schools and higher education insti-
                                                                               online education. As explained ear-
             also urges the immediate reopening   tutions in countries world over to tide   lier in this report, sustained neglect
             of play and preschools to recover at   them over the pandemic period.   compounded by shocking official ir-
             least some learning loss of youngest   In the US under the Coronavirus   responsibility has devastated the na-
             children. “As acknowledged in NEP   Aid, Relief and Economic Securi-  scent ECCE sector which was belatedly
             2020, early childhood care and edu-  ties (CARES) Act passed last March,   given high importance in the National
             cation plays a critical role in building   $13.5 billion  (Rs.98,550 crore)  —  a   Education Policy 2020.
             a foundation for lifelong learning and   sum equivalent to the 2020-21 an-  The plain truth is that India’s pri-
             well-being for every child. Now after   nual education budget of the Union   vately-promoted preschools are the
             almost the entire services sector has   government — has been provided for   only institutions that provide mod-
             been  opened up for resumption of   additional funding of public, charter   ern, globally benchmarked ECCE to
             business, it’s high time that ECCE   and private schools. In addition, $8.8   a small minority of the country’s 165
             centres are permitted to function at   billion (Rs.64,139 crore) is provided   million children in the 0-5 age group.
             the earliest. Several scientific studies   for children’s mid-day meals during   If they are not re-opened immediately
             from around the world indicate low   the period of schools closure; $3.5   and provided special pandemic relief
             Covid infection rates among young-  billion (Rs.25,510 crore) to subsidise   funding, Indian education will suffer
             est children. Therefore, permitting   childcare of low-income households;   long-term permanent damage. And
             preschools to restart subject to their   $750 million (Rs.5,625 crore) for the   if the country’s 1.3 million AWCs are
             following strict safety SOPs (standard   Head Start early years education pro-  not restarted, a new child malnutrition
             operating procedures) prescribed by   gramme and $100 million (Rs.728   and stunting pandemic will sweep the
             municipal  corporations/councils  is   crore) under Project SERV for sani-  country.

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