Page 16 - EW March 2021
P. 16

Education News

                                                                                        lower middle-class fami-
             BMC’s new CBSE                                                             lies, especially those who
                                                                                        have  suffered  business
             schools                                                                    loss and pay cuts during
                                                                                        the  Covid-19  pandemic.
                                                                                        But over the past several
                   HE   BRIHANMUMBAI   MUNICIPAL                                        decades,  the  reputation
                   Corporation  (BMC)  of  Mum-                                         of  BMC  schools  has  be-
             Tbai,  India’s  wealthiest  local                                          come  so  poor  that  it’s
             government  with  an  annual  budget                                       likely  even  low-income
             of  Rs.39,000  crore,  is  making  final                                   households will prefer to
             preparations to inaugurate ten free-                                       pay for quality education
             of-charge  KG-class  XI  schools  af-                                      than sign up their children
             filiated with the Delhi-based Central                                      in  free-of-charge  BMC
             Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)   BMC admissions invitation ad         schools.  Therefore,  par-
             examination board.                                                         ents who can afford to do
                Supervised by the Union education   besides  seven  vernacular  languages   so will prefer to wait and watch before
             ministry but certified as autonomous,   —  Marathi,  Hindi,  Urdu,  Kannada,   enrolling their children in BMC-CBSE
             CBSE  is  the  country’s  largest  pan-  Tamil, Telugu and Gujarati. Children   schools and even those who sign up,
             India  school-leaving  examinations   are supplied with 27 essential educa-  will switch to private schools  unless
             (classes X and XII) board with 21,271   tional  items  including  books,  bags,   the quality of education is as good as
             primary-secondaries in India and 200   stationery, uniforms, a mid-day meal   is being promised,” says  ay an t  J ai n ,
             overseas affiliated with it.     and even electronic tablets (for sec-  president, Forum for Fairness in Edu-
                The board prescribes several stiff   ondary students) free-of-charge.   cation.
             affiliation norms relating to curricu-  However,  despite  this  shower  of   This  scepticism  isn’t  unfounded.
             lum  implementation,  teacher-pupil   freebies, BMC schools have been ex-  In 2019, 25 BMC schools were to be
             ratios, teacher qualifications, campus   periencing a steady exodus of students   affiliated with a newly-founded Maha-
             infrastructure etc. In addition to all   fleeing to Mumbai’s estimated 200 af-  rashtra International Education Board
             Central  government  schools  (Ken-  fordable budget private schools (BPS).   (MIEB) launched with great fanfare
             driya  Vidyalayas,  JNVs  etc),  over   Between 2008-18, 229 of BMC’s ver-  by the then ruling Bharatiya Janata
             16,000 highly reputed private unaided   nacular language schools were shut   Party (BJP)-Shiv Sena (SS) state gov-
             schools including DPS, R.K. Puram,   down because of zero student enrol-  ernment. Though appreciated by par-
             Heritage Xperiential Learning School,   ment. Lack of teacher accountability,   ticipating schools, no sooner had the
             Gurugram  and  SAI  International,   poor  learning  outcomes  as  well  as   current tri-party Maharashtra Vikas
             Bhubaneswar,  routinely  top-ranked   growing parental aspiration for Eng-  Aghadi (MVA) government replaced
             in the annual EducationWorld India   lish as the medium of instruction, are   the earlier BJP-SS regime in Novem-
             School Rankings (EWISR), are affili-  among the reasons for students even   ber 2019, then the MIEB board was
             ated with this well-respected exams   from bottom-of-pyramid households   promptly dissolved.
             board.                           forsaking free-of-charge BMC schools            Dipta Joshi (Mumbai)
                Operational from the start of aca-  to fees-levying private BPS.
             demic year 2021-22 (July) when pre-  BMC officials entertain high hopes    KARNATAKA
             schools and primary classes are likely   that its new CBSE-affiliated English
             to commence, these CBSE schools are   medium schools offering excellent in-  Empire strikes back
             expected to revive and rejuvenate the   frastructure, digital and virtual class-
             image of the maximum city’s 1,200   rooms, tabs and computer labs, sci-  N EARLY YEAR NOTIFICATION TO all
             BMC schools which have experienced   ence labs, playgrounds and libraries   private schools in Karnataka
             a 50 percent drop in enrolment since   for which the corporation has budget- Ato collect only 70 percent of
             2008 because of poor quality educa-  ed capital expenditure of Rs.14 crore   tuition fees for the current extended
             tion and learning outcomes.      in its 2020-21 budget, will stem the   academic year ending May 31,
                Currently, 3.11 lakh children from   exodus and prove attractive to lower,   provoked an unprecedented protest
             low-income households are enrolled   middle and working-class parents.   shutdown of over 100 private unaid-
             in BMC’s 1,200 K-X schools affiliated   “It is a welcome initiative to pro-  ed schools statewide on February 23.
             with the Maharashtra State Board of   vide students from low-income fami-  On the same day, a protest rally led
             Secondary and Higher Secondary Ed-  lies  K-12  education  on  a  par  with   by a newly-formed Karnataka Private
             ucation. They teach in (semi) English   private schools. It might also attract   Schools Managements, Teaching

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