Page 12 - EW March 2021
P. 12


                                                There’s clear danger that the gains   Moreover the grim forecast that
                                              and advances made by the country’s   115 million children are at risk of
                                              early childhood educators to impact   malnutrition needs to be urgently
                                              the importance of ECCE upon par-  addressed. Large-scale child mal-
                                              ents and governments have been lost   nutrition can severely cripple their
                                              in the pandemic. Across the country,   cognitive development as well as
                                              hundreds of preschools have shut   their future workplace productivity
                                              down, thousands of teachers have   and earnings.
                                              lost their jobs and millions of chil-            Teesta G osw ami
                                              dren have lost critically important                    KOLKATA
                                              foundational early years education.
                                              Unfortunately, our politicians and
                                              bureaucrats who frame public poli-  Impressive young achievers
                                              cies seem unmoved by the financial   I AM A regular reader of Educa-
                                              distress of preschool teachers or the   tionWorld. I am impressed by the
                                              massive learning loss of youngest   accomplishments of young achievers
                      FEBRUARY 2021           children.                        Kian Godhwani and Nandini Bhat-
                                                What a contrast to governments   tacharya profiled in your February
                                              in the West including the UK, US   issue. It’s very commendable of them
                                              and France! Most of them never shut   to launch an online peer-counseling
             Reopen preschools now!           down their preschools even during   start-up HappyInc. The pandemic
             CONGRATULATIONS FOR your         the height of the pandemic. More   and closure of education institutions
             detailed cover story ‘Pandemic   pertinently, they pumped millions of   is playing havoc with the psycho-
             Thunderbolt Endangers Early Years   dollars into early childhood educa-  logical and emotional well-being of
             Education’ (EW February). It sends   tion during the Corona crisis. The   children and adolescents who are
             out a strong message to the Central   BJP government should learn from   suffering incremental anxiety, fear
             and state governments to walk the   the example of these countries.  and stress.
             talk — the National Education Policy               S umit A garw al  It’s tragic that mental health is
             2020 accords high importance to                           DELHI   not given due importance in schools
             early childhood care and education                                and colleges. Teachers should take
             (ECCE) — and provide a pandemic                                   the lead in educating parents and
             relief package to India’s struggling   Urgent action call         speak out against the social stigma
             pre-primary education sector. As you   YOUR SPECIAL REPORT ‘Counting   attached to counseling and treatment
             have highlighted, almost 50 percent   the cost of Covid child damage’ (EW   of mental health problems.
             of private preschools have shut down   February) focuses a timely spotlight             Puj a S eal
             countrywide and promoters and    on the scope and scale of the damage                    MUMBAI
             teachers have suffered huge financial   inflicted by the pandemic on India’s
             losses. Also, closure of government   children.
             anganw adis has put millions of    As rightly mentioned in the    Amazing initiative
             under-privileged children at risk of   report, socio-economically disad-  THANK YOU for the Education-
             malnutrition.                    vantaged children are worst affected   World India School Rankings 2020-
                I wholly endorse your demand for   and unless state governments double   21 Awards on Wheels (Pictorial
             reopening preschools and angan -  their efforts to make up for the   Essay, EW February). The EWISR
             w adis with short-duration in-person   nutrition and learning loss suffered   Awards on Wheels initiative was
             classes subject to parental consent.  by them during almost a full year,   amazing, innovative and much ap-
                      G agandeep  K aur on EMAIL  their own and the country’s future,   preciated. We were delighted to host
                                              is doomed. A nganw adis and schools   EducationWorld and its partners
                                              must reopen without further delay,   on our school campus, and it was
             Pandemic contrasts               and intensive remedial learning   an honour for our chairman Naresh
             THANK YOU for an eye-opening     programmes should be introduced   Bothra and the management to re-
             and hard-hitting cover story on the   forthwith. While the children of   ceive this valuable award before the
             devastating impact of the Covid-19   the affluent are continuing to learn   school’s teachers and staff.
             pandemic on India’s nascent      through the digital mode, the poor               Prak ash R athore
             early childhood care and education   especially in rural India, are deprived   Bodhi International School
             (ECCE) sector (EW February).     of any learning.                                       JODHPUR

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