Page 7 - EW March 2021
P. 7
“Revolutions bring disruptions and disruptions bring opportunities.”
― Nicky Verd
Communication & Collaboration o Through the students learning portfolio
• Parent/teacher online discussion on student outcomes/ o Through real-time communication (either face to
progress face or online)
• Student/teacher online discussion with tutors and o Through asynchronous communications
experts on focused areas of course material • Their students’ families
• Student-to-student collaborations and chat on projects o By easily providing families information about
• Parent access to student and school schedules, • Student activities
calendars, and current scores • Student performance
• Students can communicate and collaborate easily using • School activities
presence-aware technology to brainstorm and aggregate o By being more accessible through online/virtual
ideas meetings and conferences
• Increased collaboration and sharing best practices o By being able to communicate directly with the
across school campus and between schools over wide family
geographic boundaries
Content Management Like the connected student, the connected teacher’s
• Students can gather relevant learning resources space benefits from the same underlying resources in the
effortlessly for analysis and presentation when, where, and services fabric. For example, their student record book
how they prefer—at home, school, or play is connected through the school data interoperability
• Teachers can spend less time preparing information for fabric to the student information system making end-
rich, dynamic display and more time learning of-term grade reporting a simple process. That same
• Teachers can explore alternative technology-enabled student record book is tied to the performance monitoring
pedagogies encouraging student-facilitated discovery and infrastructure, so that in analyzing an individual student’s
collaborative mentoring performance, granular assignment-level data can be used.
School Business Intelligence Services - Keeping Multiple Parties Informed
• Administrators can generate reports on various aspects Teachers also benefit from the shared calendaring
of students, teachers, and school performance system. They know that when they create an assignment
• Oversight groups can have the necessary information in the learning management system, it will automatically
to make informed decisions be visible on their own and on each student’s calendar. Any
• Information made available to various parties including changes to the assignment are reflected immediately in
teachers, students, parents, and administrators - making it each individual’s assignment list. Furthermore, arranging
easy to identify issues, take actions, and then measure the parent-teacher conferences to discuss a particular student’s
impact of those actions progress is facilitated by parents being able to see available
times for the teacher and vice versa. By making their
THE CONNECTED TEACHER presence status available to parents or students, teachers
The connected teacher is the conductor of the Connected can host online office hours or teacher conferences to
Learning Community. Their personal teaching and learning assure that all stakeholders are guaranteed access.
space is also accessible from a multitude of devices
including Web browsers and “thin client” edge devices for - Curriculum Planning and Preparation
nomadic use, with the richest experience occurring with The connected teacher also uses powerful learning
their portable, intelligent, teaching and learning device. and curriculum management tools to manage classroom
and online instruction, enabling them to easily tailor
The connected teacher is connected to: instruction to the special needs of a particular student and
• Their peers more easily track their progress through the performance
o At their school management infrastructure. To facilitate their teaching
o At other schools in their region activities, teachers have access to a rich library of digital
o At other schools in their state curriculum objects, each correlated with particular
o Around the world educational objectives and curriculum standards. Using
• Their students standard taxonomy and meta-data to describe these
o Through rich, timely data learning objects makes it easy to reuse these learning
o Through information about their performance objects in different ways and in any compliant learning