Page 6 - EW March 2021
P. 6
S • Facilitate more personalized, relevant, and efficient
takeholders of education who get impacted
first during the Digital Transformation in
learning, allowing more time to target students’ preferred
learning styles and unique areas of interest
Education are the staff members of the school.
They could be the Teachers or the Admin Staff.
students’ problem areas in time to motivate and correct
While carving out the strategy for Digital Transformation • Use real-time feedback and assessment to identify
in Education, we need to be mindful of their fears,
apprehensions, aspiration and expectations. The staff Commerce
should be made comfortable during this transition period • Online fees payments
and every step should be explained before it is put into • Online shopping (uniforms, books, and stationery)
Digital Transformation should have a purpose and the DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION - BUILDING
end goals should be defined. Every stakeholder should be BLOCKS
given a responsibility; achievement should be measured.
Staff must be informed and counseled on how technology School Data Interoperability
would enhance their efficiency and will assist in teaching- • Student registration process; share data from agencies
learning process. Every staff member should be trained and and other schools
certified in every phase of Digital Transformation to build • Data sharing between administration systems
confidence and standardization. • Minimize administrative time while maximizing
teaching and research time
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION - DESIGN • Online incident reporting to police and justice
• Communicate directly, rapidly, and more frequently
Professional Development with stakeholders
• Through the development of course material, teachers
need to make good use of basic tools like word processing, Technology Standards
spreadsheets, scheduling, presentations, etc. • Schools need a flexible infrastructure that fits their
• Some teachers need to instruct in information technology unique needs
where some levels of certification are required • Infrastructure based on open technology standards such
• Career development programs for teachers as XML and Web-based services communicating over the
HTTP protocol
Learning Processes • Loosely coupled systems to function as one
• Guided access to resources: individualized, self-directed • Mission-critical information housed in secure data
learning, online learning, and mobile services centers which are centrally supported, and various
• Tools for teaching with immediate, ongoing assessment; services are provided through application service providers
streamline administrative tasks resulting in more time to according to service level agreements
spend teaching