Page 9 - EW March 2021
P. 9


                          42                                                                             12

              BARE CUPBOARD FOR                                                              EDUCATION NEWS
             WORLD’S MOST HIGH-                                                               Delhi: International
               POTENTIAL CHILDREN                                                            outreach guidelines

                 e major understated                                                         Maharashtra: BMC’s
               casualty of the massive                                                        new CBSE schools
                damage caused by the                                                          Karnataka: Empire
                Coronavirus pandemic                                                               strikes back
                are India’s 500 million
                  youngest citizens in                                                            West Bengal:
                  0-24 age group. But                                                       Education trump card
                the recently presented                                                         Madhya Pradesh:
                  Budget 2021-22 has                                                         Fees payment tussle
              provided no relief for the
              world’s largest and most                                                         Gujarat: Cautious
               high-potential child and                                                              reopening
                    youth population

                                              82      INTERVIEW:
                                                      SRIDHAR PABISETTY

                                                      “Huge need for well-
                                                      educated public policy

             32                                                          EW INDIA SCHOOL

             MODEL SCHOOL FOR SPECIAL                                    RANKINGS 2020-21
             NEEDS CHILDREN                                              AWARDS ON WHEELS              64
                                                                         (Part II)
             Promoted with modest
             academic goals ten years ago,
             the Chettinad-Sath Sadhana is
             rapidly transforming into a model
             school for children and youth            30                      IN THIS ISSUE
             with disabilities
                                           EXPERT COMMENT      Editorial           10  Cover story        42
                                              Chip on shoulder
                                                governance  —   Mailbox           12   People             56
             26                                    Rajiv Desai  Education  News   22   International News   60
                                                               Education  Notes
                                                                                       Pictorial Essay
             CLARION SCHOOL,                                   Education Briefs   24   Books              78
             DUBAI                                             Institution Profile   26  Interview         82

              is new-age pre-primary                           Young Achievers    29   Postscript         84
             to class V co-ed day school
             has quickly established an                        Expert Comment     30   Special  Partner’s  Message:
             excellent reputation within                                               Digital Transformation —
             the emirate’s expatriate                          Eyewitness         32   Employee  Pushback    6
             parents community

                                                                                MARCH 2021    EDUCATIONWORLD    9
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