Page 10 - EW March 2021
P. 10


             OVERDUE ENDORSEMENT OF PRIVATE ENTERPRISE                         than doubled to 8.5 percent for the
                                                                               next two decades and has levelled off
                                                                               at 5 percent.
                  VEN IF BELATEDLY, THE LEADERSHIP   Such unequivocal public declara-  Therefore when the BJP was swept
                  of the BJP has begun to differ-  tions in favour of private enterprise   to power at the Centre in 2014, the
             Eentiate itself from the Congress   and  entrepreneurs  has  never  been   general expectation was that it would
             Party which ruled free India for over   made by any leader of the Central or   accelerate liberalisation of the econo-
             half a century during which it grafted   state governments during the past half   my because of its pro-business creden-
             inorganic socialism learned by Jawa-  century and is music to your editor’s   tials and because it is unencumbered
             harlal Nehru, post-independence In-  ears. The assertion that the business   by the socialist legacy baggage of the
             dia’s first prime minister in fashion-  of government is governance and not   Congress party. But in its first term it
             able drawing rooms of the idle rich in   commerce, was continuously reiter-  queered its pitch with the ill-advised
             Bloomsbury  Square,  London,  upon   ated by your correspondent as found-  currency demonetisation experiment
             the Indian economy. Replying to the   ing editor of Business I ndia and later   which  proved  a  disaster.  However
             motion of thanks to the President’s   Businessw orld (1978-87).   even if belatedly, its leadership seems
             address  to  Parliament  on  February   Presumably to some effect because   to have seen the light.
             10,  prime  minister  Narendra  Modi   when  P.V.  Narasimha  Rao  was  ap-  The  plain,  unvarnished  truth  is
             unequivocally  spoke  up  for  private   pointed Congress president and prime   that post-independence India’s per-
             enterprise and the country’s private   minister in 1991, post-independence   sistence  with  neta-babu  socialism
             sector  industry  leaders  and  entre-  India’s notorious licence-permit-quo-  and  pervasive  licence-permit-quota
             preneurs. “The culture of abusing the   ta raj was substantially dismantled.   raj has been an unmitigated disaster
             private sector is not acceptable. We   Industrial licensing and monopolies   which has ruined the modest material
             cannot go on abusing our youth (sic)   legislation was rescinded and great-  aspirations of two generations of free
             like this,” he said highlighting the role   er freedom to conduct business was   India’s  citizens.  Foolishly  Congress
             of private pharmaceutical companies   conferred upon private sector indus-  party leader Rahul Gandhi continues
             which have made worldwide impact,   try. The impact of the landmark eco-  to demonise “suit-boot” businessmen.
             and private telecom companies which   nomic liberalisation and deregulation   But for their taxes and job creation In-
             provide the world’s cheapest connec-  of 1991 was dramatic and immediate.   dia’s children won’t have a snowball’s
             tivity. On February 24, he went one   The annual rate of GDP growth, which   chance in hell. Now it’s time for prime
             better. “Government has no business   had languished at a rock-bottom 3.5   minister Modi and the BJP to walk
             to be in business,” he said.     percent for over four decades, more   their belated talk.

             CIRCUMSPECTION ON SINO-INDIA BORDER ISSUE                         reckless  outbursts  criticising  prime
                                                                                 In  the  circumstances,  Rahul’s
                                                                               minister Modi for not displaying bel-
                   ECENT INTEMPERATE AND ILL-con-  when it is limping out of the worst vi-  ligerence after the Pangong Lake skir-
                   sidered  statements  of  Rahul   ral pandemic and economic recession   mish last summer in which 20 Indian
             RGandhi (RG), de facto chief of   of the past century with the economy   jawans were clubbed to death and the
             the  Congress  party,  on  the  military   set to contract by 8 percent in fiscal   Indian and Chinese troops are in eye-
             stand-off on the sensitive India-Chi-  2020-21, is for the simmering Sino-  ball  to  eye-ball  standoff  on  several
             na border issue, signal that it’s high   Indian border dispute to escalate into   points  along  the  4,800  km  border,
             time RG retires from politics in which   a full-fledged war with a belligerent   is the height of immature irresponsi-
             he  has  sporadic  interest.  Following   neighbouring country whose GDP of   bility, and indicates that he needs to
             a statement made in Parliament on   $15 trillion is five multiples larger, and   abdicate his position as de facto presi-
             February 10 by Union defence min-  army twice the size of ours.    dent of the Congress party.
             ister  Rajnath  Singh  that  India  and   Moreover, RG should be aware that   Clearly,  the  national  interest
             China have reached an agreement on   a major share of the blame for failure   demands  that  the  Sino-India  bor-
             military disengagement in the North   to negotiate the border dispute with   der  stretching  from  Aksai  Chin  in
             and South bank of Pangong lake in   China for over half a century has to be   the North-west to Arunachal in the
             eastern Ladakh, RG accused the BJP   laid at the door of the Congress and   North-east needs to be patiently and
             and prime minister Narendra Modi of   Nehru-Indira dynasty which ruled In-  painstakingly  demarcated  and  re-
             ceding Indian territory to China. Ad-  dia for almost 60 years after indepen-  drawn  in  a  spirit  of  give-and-take,
             dressing a press conference in Delhi,   dence in 1947. Even after the crush-  and settled once and for all. This is
             Rahul opined that the prime minister   ing defeat of the Indian Army in the   an issue that requires the unanimous
             is a “coward who cannot stand up to   Sino-India border war of 1962, neither   support of all political parties, espe-
             the Chinese” and that he was guilty of   RG’s grandmother Indira Gandhi who   cially the two national parties. Play-
             betraying the “sacrifices of our Army”.   served three terms as prime minister,   ing electoral politics in this situation
                Anyone with a modicum of com-  nor his father Rajiv (one-term) and his   which could plunge this under-weight
             monsense knows that the India-China   mother Sonia as de facto prime min-  nation into an armed conflict with the
             border dispute requires sensitive han-  ister (2004-14), accorded importance   world’s second most militarily power-
             dling and multi-party unanimity. The   to settling the festering India-China   ful country, is irresponsibility of the
             last thing India needs at this juncture   border issue.           worst sort.

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