Page 19 - EW March 2021
P. 19

the Karnataka State Minorities     Moreover,  with  the  full  backing
             Educational Institutions Federa-  of  the  TMC  government,  the  state
             tion challenging the Karnataka state   government-funded  Jadavpur  Uni-
             government’s 30 percent tuition fees   versity (estb.1905) has unitedly and
             reduction order to private schools,   unequivocally defied two notifications
             on February 24, the Karnataka high   issued by the Delhi-based University
             court ordered the state government   Grants Commission, a subsidiary of
             to file its reply within ten days.   the Union education ministry.
                      Bandana Brahmin (Bengaluru)  The first notification issued on Jan-
                                              uary 15 (since rescinded) required all
               WEST BENGAL                    universities and higher education in-
             Education trump card             stitutions to obtain permission of the
                                              Union external affairs ministry prior
                                              to any faculty participating in online
                   HE ELECTION Commission of In-  conferences, seminars and/or training
                   dia has announced that West   programmes. The second UGC notifi-
             TBengal’s  legislative  assembly   cation of February 16 rejected by JU,
             election  will  be  conducted  in  eight   pertained to encouraging the univer-
             phases between March 27 and April   sity’s students to write a ‘cow science’
             29. Therefore acrimony between the   test to be conducted nationally by the
             ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) and   Rashtriya Kamadhenu Aayog, a sub-
             the BJP, which has replaced the CPM   sidiary of the Union ministry of fisher-
             (Communist Party of India-Marxist)   ies and animal husbandry.
             that ruled the state uninterruptedly   With reference to the January 15   technology platforms, has won TMC
             for 34 years (1977-2011) as the main   notification, speaking on behalf of JU,   and chief minister Mamata Banerjee
             opposition party in the state (pop.91   P art h a P rat i m B i s w as , professor of   the admiration of the state’s influen-
             million), has become more fierce.   construction engineering, comment-  tial b hadralok  (refined middle class)
                Seeking a mandate for a consecu-  ed: “Campuses must allow free think-  on  the  eve  of  West  Bengal’s  most
             tive third term while presenting the   ing and exchange of views worldwide.   fiercely contested legislative assem-
             state  government’s  budget  on  Feb-  If debate and discussion is impeded,   bly election.
             ruary 5, West Bengal chief minister   it can create barriers to the progress   As a result, political commentators
             Mamata Banerjee announced a slew   of research and innovation. The con-  who had earlier written off Banerjee’s
             of initiatives in the education sector.  ditional  approach  does  not  work  in   chances of winning a third consecu-
                Among  them:  Juvashakti,  un-  academics.”                    tive term in office are veering around
             der  which  10,000  students  will  be   Similarly,  a  statement  issued  by   to the view that with her liberal pro-
             inducted  as  interns  in  government   the ‘Jadavpur Fraternity’ condemned   secular education agenda and recently
             departments  every  three  years;  es-  the UGC directive to encourage the   provided freebies, Banerjee may prove
             tablishment  of  training  centres  for   study of cow science. “The Jadavpur   her critics wrong again.
             100 IAS and IPS aspirants, promot-  Fraternity would appeal to other col-   Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata)
             ing 100 new Nepali, Urdu, Kamtapuri   leges and UGC to rethink the unsci-
             and Kurmali medium schools; Rs.50   entific direction this examination will    MADHYA PRADESH
             crore allotted for 500 new Alchiki or   give  to  the  education  system  of  the
             Santhali language schools and recruit-  country. University research should   Fees payment tussle
             ment of 1,500 para-teachers for them,   be conducted in scientific disciplines
             and Rs.50 crore for 100 new English   well-funded by the government, with-  HE ISSUE OF FEES PAYABLE BY
             medium schools for the SC/ST and ec-  out any scope for diversion aimed at   parents of children in private
             onomically weaker sections. In sharp   undermining science.”      Tunaided schools during the
             contrast to the BJP-led government   The TMC government’s pro-edu-  pandemic close down which is con-
             at  the  Centre  slashing  the  2021-22   cation  budget  presented  on  Febru-  vulsing the nation, has not bypassed
             budget for education by 6.13 percent   ary 5 at a time when over 200 million   the Hindi heartland state of Madhya
             to  Rs.93,224  crore  (cf.  Rs.99,300   children in India have lost a full year   Pradesh (pop.73 million), India’s
             crore  budgeted  for  2020-21),  the   of formal schooling due to the pan-  largest state by land area (308,245
             state government’s education budget   demic, and teachers have faced heavy   sq. km). On February 12, following
             for next year is 12.3 percent higher at   job losses and are suffering extreme   a public march by agitated parents
             Rs.37,059 crore.                 stress in training themselves on new   in Bhopal — the admin capital of the

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