Page 22 - EW March 2021
P. 22

Education Notes

               ASSAM                  acre campus, the digital   Disale who won the    trained in self-defence, an-
             Vice chancellor          university — which has   prize last year in recog-  nounced special secretary
             suspended                the capacity of 12,000   nition of his efforts to   (education) Bhim Thatal.
                                                               educate girl children, has
                                                                                       The announcement fol-
                                      postgrad and research
             GUWAHATI, FEBRUARY 11.   scholars — has been set up   thus far mentored 16,000   lowed Thatal’s inaugura-
             State governor Jagadish   by upgrading the two-de-  teachers and taught   tion of a self-defence train-
             Mukhi, ex officio chan-  cades old Indian Institute   children from over 1,400   ing programme for girls at
             cellor, suspended Ranjit   of Information Technology   schools in 143 countries   the Samdong Government
             Tamuli, vice chancellor of   and Management Kerala   through his novel ‘virtual   Senior Secondary School
             Dibrugarh University with   (IIITM-K) through an   field trip’ initiative, added   on February 14.
             immediate effect following   ordinance promulgated in   the minister.       “Self-defence training
             allegations of misuse of   January 2020.                                  will inculcate discipline
             public funds.              Speaking on the occa-   GUJARAT                within students as well as
                Earlier, the Dibrugarh   sion, the chief minister   IIS co-promotion   prepare them for future
             University Teachers’     said the country’s first                         obstacles. Girl students
             Association and several   digital university will   agreement             will be trained in Tae-
             employees unions of the   create “enormous oppor-  AHMEDABAD, FEBRUARY 4.   kwondo, karate, boxing
             university, and MLA      tunities” for scholars. “We   The Mumbai-based Tata   and kickboxing,” he said.
             Rituparna Baruah had     urgently need to foster   Group of Companies
             petitioned governor Mukhi   technologically-advanced   (annual revenue: $113    UTTARAKHAND
             to investigate Tamuli’s   individuals in accordance   billion or Rs.8.3 lakh
             financial irregularities   with changes in the new   crore) and the state   BharatNet 2.0 project
             and misappropriation of   world,” he said.        government signed an    DEHRADUN, FEBRUARY 22.
             university funds. Dis-                            agreement to establish an   Under the state govern-
             satisfied with the vice    MAHARASHTRA            Indian Institute of Skills   ment’s BharatNet 2.0
             chancellor’s response to a   Disale to mentor     (IIS) for 5,000 students   project, 12,000 villages
             show-cause notice, Mukhi                          on a 20-acre campus     will be provided Internet
             constituted a four-member  teachers               in Nasmed village in    connectivity. The decision
             facts-finding committee   MUMBAI, FEBRUARY 10.  Ran-  Gandhinagar district.   to implement the project’s
             to ascertain the veracity of   jitsinh Disale, a primary   Under the terms of   second phase came after
             the allegations.         school teacher of the Zilla   the agreement, the state’s   chief minister Triven-
                In its report, the com-  Parishad Primary School   labour and employ-  dra Singh Rawat met
             mittee found “prima facie   in Solapur district and   ment ministry will begin   with Union IT minister
             a case of grave miscon-  winner of the $1 million   construction of IIS under   Ravishankar Prasad in the
             duct, abuse of power and   Global Teacher Prize 2020   the not-for-profit public-  national capital recently.
             lack of commitment on the   of the UK/Dubai-based   private-partnership (PPP)   The two ministers
             part of the vice chancel-  Varkey Foundation, will   model. This institute will   agreed that time-bound
             lor”.                    mentor government school   train graduates to work in   implementation of a
                                      teachers across the state   artificial intelligence, cyber   state government model
               KERALA                 through online ‘teacher   security, additive manu-  of the BharatNet proj-
                                      inspiration’ workshops   facturing, augmented    ect is necessary because
             KUDSIT inauguration      on modern technology in   reality, system integration,   of Uttarakhand’s dif-
             THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, FEB-  education, said the state’s   cloud-based application,   ficult geographic terrain,
             RUARY 20. Chief minister   rural development minis-  simulation solutions, says   strategic significance and
             Pinarayi Vijayan virtually   ter Hasan Mushrif.   a statement issued by the   vulnerability to natural
             inaugurated the Kerala     “Through these work-   Gujarat government.     disasters. They also agreed
             University of Digital Sci-  shops, teachers in the state                  to strengthen digital con-
             ences, Innovation and    will gain new confidence    SIKKIM               nectivity in the Chardham
             Technology (KUDSIT),     and work with greater    Girls self-defence      pilgrimage area and to also
             the country’s first digital   vigour. This initiative                     boost Internet connectiv-
             university in Technoc-   will also help change the   courses              ity in border areas, said an
             ity Mangalapuram after   way communities look at   GANGTOK, FEBRUARY 15. All   official statement.
             completion of its first   government schools,” said   girl students of classes
             phase of construction.   Mushrif, speaking on the   VI-X in government-run   Paromita Sengupta with bureau
                Spread across a ten-  occasion.                schools statewide will be                 inputs

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