Page 27 - EW March 2021
P. 27

turf football ground, basketball and                              communication, collaboration, and
             tennis/volleyball courts, and an       ADMISSION & FEES           creativity) of all students. The school
             indoor physical education room.                                   is also a member of the Common
                “The distinguishing feature of   Currently, Clarion School offers   Ground Collaborative (CGC), a global
             Clarion School is our ‘openness’.   nursery to class V education with   association of international schools
             The grounds and buildings are open   upper primary school (class VI)   “working towards more teacher
             and spacious; rooms are infused   scheduled to start in September.   and student empowerment through
             with natural light through large   Admission is open year-round for all   hands-on, personal project-based
             windows and wide hallways, and we   classes.                      learning”. “From early childhood
             use recyclable wood, bamboo and                                   through to primary school, all our
             other natural materials. But even   Fees (per year): 43,000-76,500 dir-  teaching-learning is experiential and
             more than the infrastructure, we   hams (Rs.8.6-15.3 lakh)        project-based,” adds Pastore.
             pride ourselves for having chosen   For further information, email admis-  With CS having speedily
             our teachers from around the world or visit   established an excellent reputation
             with great care and diligence. They       within Dubai’s sophisticated upper
             are committed to the teachers’                                    middle class community, and set to
             vocation, child-friendly, caring and                              roll out its middle and senior schools
             open to newest pedagogies that   curriculum, incorporating globally   over the next seven years, Pastore
             ignite children’s curiosity about life   best pedagogy innovations. For   is optimistic about the future. “Our
             and learning — in alignment with   instance, the school’s curriculum   teething pains are over and we will
             our school motto: The Art of Igniting   is aligned with the New York State   be adding class VI in September
             Curiosity,” says Pastore.        Common Core +15 standards as     2021, and progressively establishing
                Yet according to Pastore, this   well as the US-based Partnership   our middle and secondary schools
             new greenfield primary school’s   for 21st Century Learning which   to ensure we are positioned to
             key feature is its contemporary,   accords prime importance to    grow together with our parents
             internationally benchmarked      developing the 4Cs (critical thinking,   community.”

             University of Edinburgh, UK

             With an academic tradition stretching back
             in time to over 400 years, Scotland’s pride
             hosts 13,000 international scholars from 160
             countries among its 44,510 students

                      NCE UPON A TIME, BEST QUALITY HIGHER
                      education in Britain, and indeed the Common-
                      wealth, was synonymous with Oxford, Cambridge
             Oand London universities. But in the millennium,
             Scotland’s University of Edinburgh (UoE, estb.1583) has
             emerged as a formidable academic competitor to Sassen-
             ach higher education institutions of the south. According
             to the QS World University Rankings 2020, UoE, which is
             ranked #20 worldwide, is one of Europe’s most preferred
             universities. With an academic tradition stretching back in
             time over 400 years, Scotland’s pride hosts a massive con-  UoE vista: formidable competitor
             tingent of 13,000 international scholars from 160 countries
             — among its 44,510 students.                      into surgery; Sir James Young Simpson, inventor of chloro-
                Over the past four centuries, the faculty and alumni of   form; surgeon Elsie Inglis; James Hutton, father of modern
             this venerated varsity have played a major role in shaping   geology; and novelists Sir Walter Scott, J.M. Barrie, Robert
             world history. Among its most illustrious alumni are philos-  Louis Stevenson, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
             opher David Hume; Charles Darwin, author of the  rigin of   Like most higher education institutions worldwide, UoE
             S p ecies; physicists Sir Edward Appleton and James Clerk   has been under lockdown for the past seven months to
             Maxwell; Lord Joseph Lister who introduced antiseptics   check the spread of the raging Covid-19 pandemic. Teaching

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