Page 28 - EW March 2021
P. 28
Institution Profile
and assessment is currently being delivered in the digital SCHOLASTIC OPTIONS AT EDINBURGH
online mode.
Edinburgh. The capital of Scotland, historic Edinburgh The University of Edinburgh offers a wide range of under-
(pop.500,000) is one of the greenest and most architec- graduate, postgrad and doctoral programmes across three
turally splendid cities of the world, attracting over 2 million colleges and 21 schools.
visitors annually. However, it is renowned not only for its College of Humanities and Social Science. Business School;
scenic cityscapes but also for its rich social, cultural, learn- School of Divinity; School of Economics; Edinburgh Col-
ing and sports traditions. Its landmarks include several art lege of Art; Moray House School of Education and Sport;
galleries and concert halls; the Royal Museum of Scotland; School of Health in Social Science; School of History, Clas-
the Royal Botanic Garden; Parliament House; and the spec- sics and Archaeology; School of Law; School of Literatures,
tacularly illuminated Edinburgh Castle. Sports facilities in- Languages and Cultures; School of Philosophy, Psychology
clude a variety of golf courses, the Royal Commonwealth and Language Sciences; School of Social and Political Sci-
Pool and Meadowbank Stadium. And for students who want ence; Centre for Open Learning
to get away for the weekend, Edinburgh offers easy access College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. Medical Sciences;
to the coastline, hills and rugged terrain of the scenic Scot- Medicine; Oral Health Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine.
tish Highlands. College of Science and Engineering. Schools of biological sci-
Moreover, Edinburgh annually hosts a number of inter- ences, chemistry, engineering, geosciences, informatics,
national literary and cultural events and has been rightly mathematics, physics and astronomy
christened a ‘Festival City’. The only downside perhaps is its Tuition fees: £22,000-28,950
testing windswept climate. Temperatures range from sub- Living expenses: £8,500-11,000
zero in winter to 25°C in summer. NB: £1 = Rs.101
Campus facilities. As one of Britain’s oldest universities, UoE
is renowned for its classical buildings which are the city’s
best-known landmarks and architectural features. The ma-
jority of the university’s faculties are grouped in and around
the central George Square near the historic Royal Mile in
the city centre.
Students can also expect to enjoy a vibrant social and
cultural life. The students union offers food services and an
extensive calendar of events including live bands and clubs.
Known as the Edinburgh University Union, this association
occupies seven buildings and administers on-campus cater-
ing and bars, games rooms, union shops, libraries, theatres,
photocopying facilities, showers, laundry facilities, snooker
and meeting rooms. Moreover, 350 students’ societies of-
fer co-curricular education in arts as diverse as juggling, Edinburgh Castle by night
economics and whisky appreciation. Sports facilities are
provided by the Pleasance Sports Centre which houses For further information, contact: Edinburgh Global on
squash courts, fitness centres, and sports halls that cater +44 (0)131 650 4296; email:;
to all levels of activity from aerobics to volleyball. website:
Admission. All students applying to UoE (or to any other Accommodation. The university’s Accommodation Service
university in the UK) have to apply online through the guarantees all first year students either on-campus, uni-
Universities and College Admission Service (www.ucas. versity-owned, or recommended accommodation. Housing
com). The main qualification mandated for admission into options comprise halls of residence, self-catering residences
undergraduate degree programmes is successful comple- and university flats.
tion of Plus Two (Indian School Certificate, All India Senior Degree programmes. As one of UK’s premier teaching uni-
School Certificate, IGCSE or IB diploma) with an average versities, UoE offers a plethora of academic programmes
score of 75-85 percent. Students not deemed proficient which promote interdisciplinary learning and provide firm
in English have to write the Test of English as a Foreign grounding for postgrad programmes. Students can select
Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language from a wide range of academic subjects spread over three
Testing System (IELTS). However, Indian students who colleges — Humanities and Social Science; Medicine and
have studied English as their first language and medium of Veterinary Medicine, and Science and Engineering. The
instruction in secondary school are exempt from these tests. duration of a regular undergrad degree is three years and
The admission deadline for the academic year beginning four years for a joint honours degree.
September is June 30, 2021. SUMMIYA YASMEEN