Page 29 - EW March 2021
P. 29

Young Achievers

                                                       parents patiently answer   my mother who was restricted to
                                                       all my questions to the   read only academic textbooks, I am
                                                       best of their knowledge.   fortunate to be blessed with a parent
                                                       My father even gifted   who has built a mini-library full of
                                                       me a pair of binoculars   my favourite books over the years,”
                                                       and books on astronomy   says this gifted child author.
                                                       when I turned ten. Over   Inspired by Elisabetta Dami and
                                                       the years, I have tried to   Clive Cussler, his favourite authors,
                                                       gather knowledge about   Arnay started writing short stories
                                                       our universe and have   when he was seven, many of which
                                                       participated in science   were published in the children’s sec-
                                                       competitions from school   tion of The H indu and some promi-
                                                       until university to help me   nent children’s magazines.
                                                       understand the vast range   Arnay acknowledges the great
                                                       of advanced astronomy   contribution of Greenwood High’s
                                                       and astrophysics,” says   English teacher Zara Kunders for
                  GOPALCHETTY BRAHMA          Brahma, winner of the Young Sci-  arousing his love for the written
                                              entist India 2017-18 award among
                                                                               word. Right after release of his first
                                              other encomiums.                 paperback, this pre-teen author
                  opalchetty Brahma (21) is     Setting the stage for the future,   has begun work on his second, Mrs
                  the latest to join India’s   Brahma aspires to qualify as an outer   Clark . “My books written for young
             Gexclusive club of outer space   space scientist after completing his   kids are action-packed with a mix of
             celebrities. An aerospace engi-  bachelor’s degree. “I intend to sign   suspense and adventure,” he says.
             neering undergrad at the Ludhi-  up for an integrated MS-Ph D degree   To develop his writing skills,
             ana-based Lovely Professional    in cosmology and astrophysics from   Arnay does two hours of extra-
             University — ranked Punjab’s #2   a reputed university in the US or   curricular reading every day after
             private varsity in the latest EW   Germany and continue post-doctoral   completing his homework, followed
             India Higher Education Rankings   research in dark energy and dark   by an hour of writing and introspect-
             2020-21 — he was among the Top   matter. My ultimate dream is to join   ing about his next thriller.
             100 of 6,500 participants from 98   the Indian Space Research Organ-  Driven by a mission to spread
             countries conferred the Silver Hon-  isation and continue to unravel   the joy of reading, in 2018 Arnay
             our award in the youth (18-plus)   the mysteries of the cosmos,” he   launched Reading Rhino, a digital
             category of the world’s largest and   enthuses.                   platform to share book summaries,
             toughest International Astronomy   God speed!                     short stories and reviews to inspire
             and Astrophysics Competition             Paromita Sengupta (Bengaluru)  young readers. “I hope one day to
             (IAAC). The event was held online                                 start a non-profit society for under-
             in May-July 2020 by the Heidel-                                   privileged children while continuing
             burg (Germany)-based company                                      to write stories to encourage children
             Edu.Harbour.                          ARNAY AGARWAL               to enjoy and develop the reading
                The elder of two children of                                   habit,” says Arnay.
             Rayagada (Odisha)-based G.             lthough he is only 12 years of   Way to Go!
             Harishankar, senior pharmacist at      age, Arnay Agarwal, a class           Amrita Ghosh (Bengaluru)
             JK Paper Mills, and homemaker  AVII student of Bengaluru’s
             G. Swarnalata, Brahma is thankful   top-ranked Greenwood High Inter-
             for the institutional and parental   national School, has authored two
             support he has received. “I at-  e-books — Most A maz ing Dussehra
             tribute my achievement to hard   V acations Ever on Kindle in 2019
             work combined with the invaluable   and  dventure of J uno and I ra for
             support of my parents and mentor   Juggernaut Books in 2018 — with his
             Dr. Amit Kumar Thakur, associate   first paperback  ap p y  H oliday  Med-
             professor of aerospace engineering   ley  (Amazon) released last October.
             at LPU. However, I’m disappointed   A slim volume of 40 pages,  ap p y
             that I fell short of winning the gold   H oliday  Medley  recounts the young
             medal. Given limited resources at   author’s experiences in the garden
             home during the pandemic, I relied   city of Bengaluru during a 2018
             majorly on the Internet and science   Dussehra vacation — ranging from a
             magazines,” he recalls.          Halloween party to a chance encoun-
                Brahma’s interest in astronomy   ter with the great grandson of the
             was ignited when as a five year old,   Dewan of Mysore in the court of the
             he witnessed a shooting star streak   erstwhile Mysore Maharajah.
             across the Rayagada night sky.     The only child of Eva Agarwal, a
             “Stargazing and moongazing has   software professional, reading caught
             become a habit since then. Both my   Arnay’s fancy at age four. “Unlike

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