Page 24 - EW March 2021
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Education Briefs

              ABEA-Johns Hopkins              The  Magic  Years  (TMY,  estb.1978),   Therefore, we are providing free train-
              scholarships                    Delhi’s  top-ranked  standalone  pre-  ing and mentoring for 500 youth. This
                                                                               initiative has been launched to enable
                                              primary which will prepare youngest
              MUMBAI, FEBRUARY 9. The Aditya Bir-  children  for  the  foundation’s  K-12   talented students with financial chal-
              la  Education  Academy  (ABEA)  has   Shiv Nadar School, Noida. However,   lenges an opportunity to take one of
              signed a collaboration agreement with   S h i rl e y   M  ad h av an   Kut t y ,  the   our skill development courses online.
              the US-based Johns Hopkins Center   founder-principal  of  TMY  and  her   Education is a tool for empowerment
              for  Talented  Youth  (CTY)  to  offer   team of educators will continue to lead   and employment.”
              scholarships in India for CTY’s online   the pre-primary renamed ‘The Magic
              programs for advanced learners.  Years, a Shiv Nadar School’.    British Council Women’s
                Under  terms  of  the  agreement,   “Over the past four decades, TMY
              ABEA and CTY will identify and sup-  has  emerged  as  the  torch-bearer  of   Scholarships
              port  bright  young  learners  in  India   preschool  education,  inculcating  in
              through  these  online  programs  at   children  the  joy  of  learning  while   NEW DELHI, FEBRUARY 15. On the occa-
              reduced fees — a 5 percent reduction   helping them to develop critical social   sion  of  International  Women’s  Day
              on tuition and application fees —  un-  and emotional skills. The Shiv Nadar   (March  8),  the  British  Council  has
              til  August  2021.  This  fee  reduction   School has also emerged as one of the   launched  a  new  scheme  to  support
              is available to the first 50 advanced   most respected K-12 schools in Delhi   women who wish to pursue Masters
              learners  who  apply  to  ABEA.  Stu-  NCR in a short time span. I am happy   degrees in science, technology, engi-
              dents in classes II-XI can qualify for   to partner with the HCL Foundation   neering and mathematics (STEM) in
              the  scholarships  by  participating  in   to continue to provide an engaging,   the  UK.  The  scholarship  will  allow
              the CTY Talent Search test conducted   caring and fun learning environment   over 100 women from India and other
              by ABEA.                        for  pre-schoolers,”  said  Madhavan   countries in South Asia, East Asia and
                CTY  offers  more  than  200  chal-  Kutty, commenting on the merger.  the Americas to obtain advanced de-
              lenging,  engaging  and  enjoyable                               grees from several UK universities, to
              digital courses conducted by expert   CEDP scholarships          qualify for careers in STEM vocations.
              instructors who specialise in teach-                               According  to  data  from  the  UN
              ing advanced concepts to advanced   MUMBAI, FEBRUARY 1. Council of Educa-  Scientific,  Educational  and  Cultural
              learners. Courses are available in real-  tion and Development Programmes   Organisation (Unesco), fewer than 30
              time, independent and student-driv-  (CEDP, estb.2010), a Mumbai-based   percent of research personnel world-
              en, collaborative formats in computer   skill development institute, is to pro-  wide are women and only 30 percent
              science, critical reading, engineering,   vide  free  training  for  500  eligible   female students select STEM-related
              history, mathematics, science, social   students. The selected students can   fields in higher education.
              science, world languages.       choose from the 50-plus skill devel-  This generous scholarship scheme
                “We  are  dedicated  to  offering   opment courses run by the institute.   includes tuition fees, monthly stipend,
              unique, rigorous and relevant courses   Courses  offered  include  certified   travel costs, visa and health coverage
              to learners in India who are looking to   training for the hospitality, aviation,   expenses. The scholarship is also open
              upskill themselves in this fast chang-  automobile and healthcare industries.   to women with dependants and con-
              ing world. We are happy to work with   Commercially, course fees range from   tains provision for scholars who might
              the Johns Hopkins CTY and provide   Rs.15,000-6 lakh which will be waived   need  a  short  pre-sessional  English
              special scholarships to fulfil the learn-  for the selected students.  course to achieve the language level
              ing needs of bright young minds,” said    To avail scholarships, applicants   needed to undergo their studies.
              N e e rja B i rl a,  founder  and  chair-  should register for the online AICST   Female applicants from South Asia
              person of the Aditya Birla Education   (All  India  Career  and  Scholarship   must be from one of the following eli-
              Trust, speaking on the occasion.   Test)  Entrance  Test.  Eligibility  for   gible countries — Afghanistan, Ban-
                                              writing the test is class X certification   gladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan or Sri
              TMY-Shiv Nadar                  and beyond.                      Lanka. All candidates from South Asia
                                                                               must apply directly to the following
                                                  Comments  S h ah e e n  Kh an ,
                                              founder and CEO of CEDP Skill In-  universities of their interest: Teesside
              Foundation M&A
                                              stitute: “Much has been discussed on   University,  City  University  London,
              DELHI, FEBRUARY 4. Shiv Nadar Foun-  the  impact  of  Covid-19  on  employ-  University of Strathclyde, Newcastle
              dation,  the  philanthropic  venture   ment.  As  an  educationist,  I  believe   University, Edinburgh Napier Univer-
              of  IT  entrepreneur  S h i v  N ad ar,    that urgent action is needed for up-  sity, The University of Warwick, The
              founder-CEO of HCL, a US $10 billion   skilling youth to prepare them better   University of Edinburgh and Brunel
              global IT conglomerate, has acquired   for changed post-Covid workplaces.   University London.

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