Page 21 - EW March 2021
P. 21

prescribed by the Central government relating to masking,   THEY SAID IT IN FEBRUARY
             sanitisation of premises, social distancing and the option of
             alternate day schooling, this phased schools reopening pro-  “ ere needs to be recognition that socialism
             gramme is proceeding smoothly. “With the Covid situation   is not the only ideology that has copyright on
             well-managed by the state government, the number of chil-  welfare. When the economy does not do well
             dren returning to in-school classes is rising steadily from   and wealth isn’t generated, then social good
             35 percent on January 11 to 84 percent in the week ending   suffers and so does the welfare state. So, we
             February 25,” says Dr. V i n o d  R. Rao , secretary, education
             (primary and secondary) of the state government.    have now called the bluff that wealth creation
                 But the risk of children or teachers contracting the Coro-  is in conflict with welfare.”
             navirus is not quite ruled out until the anti-virus vaccine be-  Nirmala Sitharaman, Union finance minister, on the
             ing rolled out has attained critical mass. Therefore, the state   Union Budget 2021-22 (The Hindu, February 22)
             government has issued strict guidelines for school manage-
             ments to follow. Under the guidelines written permission   “ e government has no business to be in
             is required from parents for children to resume in-school   business. It is the government’s duty to sup-
             classes. “Also, schools are constantly being monitored by   port enterprises and businesses. But it is not
             education inspectors, assistant education inspectors and   essential that it should own and run enter-
             district-level officials to ensure they adhere to safety pro-  prises.”
             tocols,” says Rao.                                  Prime minister Narendra Modi on privatisation
                 n  their  part,  private                        (, February 24)
             Oschool  managements,
             especially  those  that  have                       “ e regime seems afraid of a new generation
             reputations  to  lose,  are
             also pulling out all stops to                       finding its relevance and articulation around
             ensure that the prescribed                          ecology and environmentalism... Suddenly
             SoPs  are  strictly  imple-                         planetary issues, from climate change to the
             mented. “The closure of a                           future of farming or the fate of the tribe — each
             school due to management                            a critical human rights issue — have been de-
             negligence  could  result  in                       fined as anti-national.”
             withdrawal of NoC (no ob-  Nashy Chauhan            Shiv Visvanathan, well-known sociologist, on the arrest
             jection  certificate)  among                        of young environment activists on charges of sedition
             other issues. Therefore, we not only ensure that we get con-  by the BJP/NDA government (Telegraph, February 24)
             sent letters from parents but have discontinued in-school
             classes of primary children who may not be able to fully   “By various metrics, China is now 10-15 years
             understand the importance of masking, social distancing   ahead of India. It reached India’s current per
             and safety protocols. Their education will be continued in   capita income 15 years ago. Similarly, on the
             the online mode until the end of the current academic year,”   Human Development Index, it is 15 years
             says N as h y  Ch auh an , director of the Ahmedabad-based
             Anand Niketan Group of schools in Sughad and Satellite   ahead of India. And on the more complex
             with 3,490 children on their muster rolls.          Union Nations Index for Sustainable Develop-
                Meanwhile, the silver lining of the pandemic cloud for   ment Goals, India is unlikely to get to China’s
             private school managements is that teachers have acquired   current index level in another decade.”
             valuable online teaching skills during the past ten months.   T.N. Ninan on the India-China development gap
             As a result, several private schools completed the syllabus of   (Business Standard, February 27)
             the current year and are likely to continue with the blended
             learning model well into the next academic year. “We are   “Our babus have not evolved as fast to fit in
             determined to make up for learning loss of the past ten   with the new economic aspirations of India. In
             months through accelerated remedial education,” says Rao.  fact, ‘babu’ has now become a mildly deroga-
                 Meanwhile, the discovery of the anti-Covid vaccine and   tory word suggesting someone old-fashioned,
             rollout of the government’s vaccination drive — over 4.8   who creates red-tape, slows things down and
             lakh citizens have taken their first jab — school manage-
             ments are cautiously optimistic. “Only when the vaccination   enjoys tormenting others with their power.”
             drive gets going in right earnest will normal schooling begin   Chetan Bhagat, author and columnist, on reforming the
             in July-August,” predicts Chauhan.                  Indian Administrative Service (Times of India, February
                                 Runa Mukherjee Parikh (Ahmedabad)  28)

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