Page 18 - EW March 2021
P. 18

Education News

             and Non-Teaching Staff Coordina-
             tion Committee (KPMTCC) attracted
             an estimated 50,000 teachers and
             employees in downtown Bengaluru
             causing massive traffic jams and
                With schools shuttered in Karna-
             taka for close to a year to check the
             spread of the novel Coronavirus, even
             though most private school manage-
             ments quickly and commendably
             switched to new digital technolo-
             gies empowered online classes to
             continue their students’ education,
             the state’s BJP government has been
             issuing several fee reduction circulars
             on grounds that schools have not
             been providing co-curricular and
             sports education. Moreover, govern-  Massive KPMTCC protest: confusing & contradictory directives
             ment ministers and spokespersons
             have encouraged parents to default   F oundation Case (2002).     and no other fees, but several CBSE
             and/or defer fees payment while    Private school managements     and ICSE schools have refused to
             simultaneously directing schools   make no secret that they are back-  comply with this directive. As of now,
             to provide online learning and pay   ing the KPMTCC agitation. “Most   we intend to pay the fees as per the
             teachers and staff salaries.     private schools have been compelled   government order but if it is revoked,
                   ith the dismally low fees col-  to reduce or delay teachers’ salaries   we will protest,” warns  M  o h ame d
             Wlection depleting their cash    because our cash flows have been   S h ak e e l , president, Voice of Parents
             flows, private school managements   completely disrupted following   Karnataka Association.
             have been compelled to slash teach-  confusing government directives not   “India’s middle class has been
             ers’ salaries and in some cases their   to collect fees even if we are con-  thoroughly spoilt by unwarranted,
             service.  The spate of confusing and   ducting online classes and paying   non-merit subsidies. In the school
             contradictory directives of the state   teachers and staff salaries. And now   fees control issue, middle class
             government on school fees have hit   the notification to collect 70 percent   parents who insist on sending their
             affordable budget private schools   of tuition fees – and no other fee –   children to private schools, have
             (BPS) that constitute 90 percent   has made it impossible for a large   been continuously demanding subsi-
             of the private schools in the state,   number of private schools to pay full   disation by private school promoters.
             especially hard.                 teachers’ salaries. I’m not surprised   And ignorant politicians are support-
                The contention of private school   that teachers are protesting unwar-  ing parents’ breach of contracts they
             managements, which are quite     ranted government interference with   sign when they send their children to
             clearly backing the teachers and staff   private schools,” says  M  an s o o r   private schools. In law, the demands
             agitation, is that they have invested   A l i  Kh an , general secretary of the   of parents for the reduction or waiver
             heavily in digital infrastructure and   Management of Independent CBSE   of contracted fees and the govern-
             training teachers to conduct online   Schools Association of Karnataka.   ment’s notification reducing private
             classes while continuing to incur   On the other hand, parents with   school fees are both unmaintain-
             campus, buses and maintenance staff   children in private schools maintain   able,” says a senior counsel of the
             and overheads expenses. Therefore,   that their managements tend to be   Karnataka high court, speaking on
             a January 29 government directive to   unmindful and unsympathetic to   condition of anonymity.
             the state’s private schools to forego   the reality that a large number of   In this connection, it’s worth not-
             30 percent of the tuition fees and   them have suffered salary cuts and   ing that on February 8, the Supreme
             waive all other fees for the academic   loss of income during the lockdown   Court struck down a fees reduction
             year 2020-21, is unreasonable and   of all industry and business for   order of the Rajasthan high court.
             violative of their fundamental right   almost six months because of the   Likewise, following the filing of writ
             to pursue the vocation of education   Covid-19 pandemic. “The govern-  petitions by the Associated Manage-
             provision as held by the Supreme   ment has directed schools to collect   ments of Primary and Secondary
             Court in the landmark T.M.A . Pai   only 70 percent of the tuition fees   Schools in Karnataka (KAMS) and

             18    EDUCATIONWORLD   MARCH 2021
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