Page 96 - EducationWorld May 2021
P. 96
The concluding chap- understand their per-
ters focus on the fate of sonalities and ideologies INDIA TOMORROW:
the former ruling family and offer readers unique CONVERSATIONS WITH
after the extinction of the insights” — and have been THE NEXT GENERATION OF
state, the manner in which quite successful in achiev-
it used its residual political ing this. Unfortunately they Pradeep Chhibber & Harsh Shah
and social influence, and don’t reveal more about OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
the tussle for possession of their personalities than Rs.850 Pages 276
historically significant pal- what is already known in
aces and forts of Bahawal- the public domain.
pur State. Loyd’s portrait Rahul Gandhi’s passion ter and five with a chief Detailed interviews
of Sadiq Muhammad in against inequality, Aditya minister in their family) with young politicians
his twilight years as “a Thackeray’s concern for has been justified by the indicate that political
wealthy, retired and gener- environment, Devendra authors as acknowledging dynasties will
ally retiring gentleman in Fadnavis’s penchant for that contesting elections continue to determine
Sussex and London” after numbers and data, Sachin in contemporary India re- India’s future
1955 (he passed away in Pilot’s modest demeanour, quires money and resourc-
1966 in London), is of an KTR’s fascination with es, which become more
erstwhile ruler reconciled technocracy are already accessible for politicians and self-made individu-
to the loss of his domain. well captured in their with dynastic linkages in als coming from student
This book also repro- political profiles. Poonam politics. politics or other profes-
duces a lengthy extract Mahajan, Rajyavardhan It is not entirely true sional backgrounds, there
from some charming Singh Rathore and Smriti though, that there’s a lack are also some remark-
reminiscences of Sheila Irani come across as of non-elite politicians able names with dynastic
Covey, whose father was mature politicians with who can influence India’s connections, which to my
head gardener at Sadiq well-rehearsed answers political future. The age mind merit inclusion in
Muhammad’s residence revealing little insight into limit of below 50 might any list which is seen as
in Sussex. Covey describes their personalities. have kept Arvind Kejri- representative of India’s
him as a character out of The authors have wal of Aam Aadmi Party political future. Tejashwi
P.G. Wodehouse. chosen to keep their (Delhi) and Thol Tiru- Yadav and Chirag Paswan
Obviously Sadiq interviewees below 50 mavalavam of Viduthalai in Bihar, Hemant Soren
Muhammad was happier years of age, which is Chiruthaigal Katchi Party in Jharkhand, Dushyant
spending time in the Eng- what essentially makes (Chennai) outside the Chautala in Haryana, and
lish countryside watching them tomorrow’s leaders authors’ radar. However, Gaurav Gogoi in Assam
children play cricket, than of India. However, going the authors seem to have are some of the leaders
attempting to resurrect his through the list of names, ignored many young poli- from regional political
vanished kingdom. it becomes clear that may ticians with the common families with potential to
AMAR FAROOQUI (The be age (or lack of it in this touch like Atishi Marlena, influence the politics of
Book Review, April) case) is not the only asset Kanhaiya Kumar, Hardik their specific regions.
which qualifies them as Patel, Saurabh Kumar, Tejashwi Yadav has
Tomorrow’s India’s political future — it Manoj Manzil, Hemanta been a deputy chief
is also their family legacy
Biswa Sharma, Tejasvi
minister and is the leader
leaders and political lineage. Only Surya, Mohua Mitra who of opposition in one of
three out of the 20 fea-
have made a name for
India’s most politically
tured in this book are first themselves, earning popu- vibrant states, while Soren
HIS BOOK IS A generation politicians: larity and mass following and Chautala are the chief
compilation of inter- Jignesh Mevani, Rajya- in both the real world minister and deputy chief
Tviews with some of vardhan Singh Rathore and in the world of social minister of their respective
India’s prominent young and Smriti Irani. media, which has emerged states.
politicians who are touted The selection of elite as a new theatre of politi- The authors deserve
as the next generation of politicians with strong cal performance in recent much credit for the quality
Indian politics. In inter- political dynastic linkages times. of interviews and interac-
viewing these politicians, (four politicians coming Besides these young tions that they have man-
the authors begin with a from families directly politicians who are aged to bring together for
simple stated goal — “to linked to a prime minis- mostly first generation this compendium. Omar