Page 97 - EducationWorld May 2021
P. 97

Abdullah’s lack of faith in   ideological commitment of   enables one to set aside   commitment to constitu-
             the Indian state and his   its members and it seems   the popular images of   tionalism, rule of law and
             disappointment with the   to cut across elite and   some politicians, heav-  citizenship rights.
             institutional and proce-  non-elite backgrounds,   ily influenced by their   Besides providing
             dural injustice meted out   with Poonam Mahajan,   portrayal in the media.   useful insights into the
             to Jammu and Kashmir by   Madhukeshwar Desai and   The cases of Rahul Gan-  hearts, ideas and minds
             reneging on their state-  Smriti Irani all stressing   dhi, Varun Gandhi and   of some of India’s more
             hood, emerges clearly    this point. This is also   Asaduddin Owaisi stand   famous young politicians,
             from the interview.      important since one of the   out in this respect. It is   this book also provides
                Similarly, Priyanka   main problems of most    indeed interesting to see   pointers to new and
             Gandhi’s answers reveal   political parties in India,   Rahul Gandhi’s clarity on   interesting exploratory
             a lot about her lack of a   especially the regional   many matters of economic   research in the field of
             normal childhood for both   ones, is that they are tight-  and social policies. Simi-  party politics by looking
             her and her brother, which   ly-controlled family enter-  larly, the popular media   at party organisation
             have left a deep impact on   prises, operating more like   portrayal of Varun Gandhi   structures and leadership
             their personalities.     family firms than political   and Owaisi as funda-  questions, as studies of
                It is also not surpris-  parties. Many talented   mentalist leaders prone   Indian politics so far
             ing to see that many     politicians with aspira-  to use verbose rhetoric   have gravitated towards
             politicians in the Bharatiya   tions of political success   and divisive narratives is   quantitative analyses of
             Janata Party firmly believe   do not find these parties   completely falsified when   electoral politics. This
             that by being in the party,   attractive because they   one reads Varun Gan-  book brings the leadership
             they have a chance or op-  know they will never get to   dhi’s economic ideas and   question back into
             portunity to rise through   reach leadership positions   concepts which he uses   primacy as a much needed
             the ranks to reach the top   which are reserved for first   in his books as well as in   future theme of research
             position at some point   family members.          public addresses in Indian   in Indian politics.
             in future. This optimism   Reading these detailed   universities, or when one   SARTHAK BAGCHI (The
             is second only to the    and elaborate interviews   reads about Owaisi’s             Book Review)

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