Page 98 - EducationWorld May 2021
P. 98


             Ease of doing business joke                       journeyed to Sri City to write a comprehensive, highly
                                                               complimentary cover feature. But curiously, your editor
                                                               who visited the campus and interviewed key members
                   CCORDING TO A WORLD BANK 2020 REPORT,       of its blue-blooded faculty including vice chancellor
                   India has improved its ranking by 79 positions   Dr. Sunder Ramawamy, received not a word of thanks
             Ain its Ease of Doing Business index in five years   from Ramaswamy or any communication from any of its
             (2014-19). Currently it is ranked 63rd among 190 nations.   worthies thereafter.
             However, this report finds few takers in India Inc. In   Reportedly, a suggestion of this publication’s market-
             private, industry leaders are unanimous that doing legit   ing team to KU that it purchase 50 copies of the issue for
             business in India is a high-risk undertaking in which   distribution to faculty and board members was inter-
             businessmen are routinely subject to a thousand unnatu-  preted by Ramaswamy — ill-advisedly plucked out of a
             ral shocks.                                       provincial American university and appointed founder VC
                Right now the Central government-controlled National   of KU — as “taking commercial advantage”. That’s poor
             Investigation Agency (NIA) is investigating three cabi-  math given that a page of advertising in EducationWorld
             net ministers of the coalition Maharashtra Vikas Aghadi   is priced at Rs.1 lakh, and we wrote a seven-page cover
             (MVA) government which governs India’s most indus-  story — a gift of Rs.7 lakh to this penny wise pound fool-
             trialised state, on charges of extorting huge sums from   ish institution with a proclaimed endowment of Rs.700
             businessmen. NIA’s arrest and grilling of assistant police   crore.
             inspector Sachin Vaze, under investigation for the murder   For KU’s sake one hopes that the media management
             of businessman Mansukh Hiren whose deadly gelatin   skills of Rangarajan, a former journalist, are better.
             sticks laden car was found parked near the 28-storey
             home of India’s wealthiest business tycoon Mukesh Am-
             bani on February 25, has unearthed astonishing revela-  An extraordinary life
             tions about how the country’s greedy, amoral politicians
             routinely pillage industry leaders and businessmen.   T’S A SIGN OF THE TIMES. WHEN A POLITICIAN
                According to Vaze, transport minister Anil Parab   succumbs to the thousand unnatural shocks that flesh
             directed him to squeeze Rs.50 crore from the Saifee   Iis heir to, the evil they have done is dressed up as good.
             Burhani charitable trust which is executing a massive   But the good of the truly good is interred with their bones.
             redevelopment project to upgrade a rundown Muslim   These musings came to mind upon hearing about the
             ghetto in Central Mumbai. Moreover, in a written order   untimely demise of litterateur, editor, columnist and
             Parab directed Vaze to extort Rs.2 crore from all civil con-  culture propagator Anil Dharker in Mumbai on March 26.
             tractors approved by the Shiv Sena controlled Mumbai   During his eventful life, Dharker greatly influenced the
             Municipal Corporation to overlook their acts of omission   literary and cultural awakening of the country in several
             and commission in executing corporation projects.  spheres before the abhorred shears prematurely cut this
                That’s not all. Mumbai’s top cop Parambir Singh   thin spun life. Although he qualified as a mechanical
             told the Supreme Court that the state’s home minister   engineer and started his career in an architectural firm
             instructed him to extort Rs.2 lakh from all 1,650 bars and   back in the 1960s after he returned to India from London,
             restaurants operating in the city.                he quickly established a reputation as an insightful film
                All these mind-boggling charges and counter-charges   reviewer and critic and was appointed the first chairman
             — the MVA alleges it’s a Central (BJP) government   of the Films Finance Corporation where he managed to
             conspiracy to topple the state government — are being   squeeze funding from the Union government to finance
             traded in the country’s commercial capital. Ease of doing   British director Richard Attenborough’s Gandhi, arguably
             business! A cruel joke.                           the greatest biopic of all time.
                                                                 Subsequently, he transformed into full-time journalist
             Second chance for Krea                            and edited Mid-day, Sunday Mid-Day, the path-breaking
                                                               men’s monthly Debonair (where your editor succeeded
                                                               him with less success) and the superior upscale daily,
                  HE APPOINTMENT OF DR. MAHESH RANGA-          The Independent (alas no more). Yet perhaps his great-
                  RAJAN, a former journalist and respected envi-  est achievement was conceptualising and organising the
             Tronmentalist as vice chancellor of Krea University,   annual Times of India Mumbai International Literary
             sited in Sri City (Andhra Pradesh), a two-hour drive from   Festival which attracted the choice and master spirits of
             Chennai, offers the institution the chance to make a new   English literature from around the world to India’s com-
             beginning after a damp squib start. Krea U was estab-  mercial capital.
             lished in 2018 with high hopes as India’s first “interwo-  Organising this annual literary extravaganza was an
             ven liberal arts, science” (and business management)   extraordinary feat requiring handling the egos of global
             university.                                       literary legends, and raising resources to fund the litfest
                Promoted under the Ashoka University model of   that catapulted crassly commercial Mumbai to the world’s
             collective philanthropy with a huge corpus of Rs.700   literary stage. Typical appropriation of this litfest by
             crore, Krea University (KU) aroused great enthusiasm   the Bros Jain of the Times Group prompted Dharker to
             as the pioneer liberal arts varsity of peninsular (south)   promote the competitive Tata Literature Live fest which
             India where science and professional (engineering,   took its toll on this creative man of letters. Indeed the
             medical) higher ed institutions are the rule. To the extent   elements were so mixed in him that he will be impossible
             that your editor, despite not quite in the pink of health,   to replace.

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