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                   512 Chapter 13: Nutritional and metabolic disorders

                   legs with weakness, parasthesia and loss of ankle jerks.  vere,chronic deficiency may lead to encephalopathy and
                   Cerebral involvement causes Wernicke–Korsakoff’s syn-  spasticity.
                   drome (see page 317). Wet beriberi is the high output
                   heart failure caused by thiamine deficiency resulting in  Management
                   oedema. Wet beriberi is rare in alcoholics.  Supplementation with nicotinic acid and treatment of
                                                                other coexisting deficiencies.
                   Erythrocyte transketolase activity and blood pyruvate  Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine) deficiency
                   are increased.                               Definition
                                                                Deficiency of pyridoxine is rarely a primary disorder, but
                   Management                                   it does occur as a secondary disorder.
                   Thiamine is replaced orally, intravenously or intramus-
                   cularly. The cardiac failure usually responds rapidly, but
                   neuropathies may only partially resolve if they are long-
                                                                Important sources of Vitamin B 6 are similar to those of
                                                                etables and nuts. Deficiency may occur with malabsorp-
                   Niacin deficiency (pellagra)                  tion such as coeliac disease, dietary lack in alcoholism
                                                                and drug toxicity especially isoniazid.
                   Niacin (vitamin B 3 ) has two principle forms: nicotinic
                   acid and nicotinamide. Deficiency of niacin causes pel-
                                                                Pyridoxine is important in the metabolism of amino
                                                                acids, especially tryptophan to nicotinic acid. In some
                                                                rare metabolic disorders, pyridoxine deficiency is as-
                                                                sociated with infantile convulsions and sideroblastic
                   Niacin is found in plants, meat and fish. It can also be
                   synthesised from tryptophan. Pellagra is seen in people
                   with a predominantly maize diet, low in tryptophan.
                                                                Clinical features
                                                                Marginal deficiency may cause stomatitis, glossitis, dry
                   in the carcinoid syndrome, prolonged use of isoniazid
                                                                lips, irritability and confusion. Deficiency causes men-
                   and Hartnup disease, an autosomal recessive congenital
                                                                tal confusion, glossitis, dry skin lesions and peripheral
                   disorder with reduced absorption of tryptophan from
                   the gut and reduced amino acid re-uptake in the renal
                                                                Oral replacement; however, high doses may cause
                   Nicotinic acid is involved in energy utilisation. It is a  neurotoxicity.
                   precursor of nicotinamide, as in NAD and NADP, which
                   are essential to glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation.  Vitamin B 12 deficiency
                   It is also used in maintaining skin, especially in sun-
                   exposed areas. Deficiency also causes villus atrophy in  See page 471.
                   the small intestine.
                                                                Vitamin C deficiency
                   Clinical features
                   Pellagra is due to lack of nicotinic acid, it often occurs  Definition
                   as part of a more general nutritional deficiency. Pellagra  Vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy, which was first de-
                   presents with dermatitis, diarrhoea and dementia. Se-  scribed by Lind in the eighteenth century.
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