Page 518 - Medicine and Surgery
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514 Chapter 13: Nutritional and metabolic disorders
substance that stains pink on haematoxylin and eosin Porphyria
and stains red with Congo red.
Management Theporphyriasaregeneticoracquireddeficienciesinthe
Therapy is aimed at the underlying cause where possi- activity of enzymes in the heme biosynthetic pathway.
ble such as inflammation, infection or blood dyscrasia.
Differing manifestations such as renal failure require Aetiology/pathophysiology
support.Inthehereditaryamyloidoseswheretheprecur- Heme is synthesised from succinyl Co A and glycine (see
sor protein is produced by the liver, liver transplantation Fig 13.2); differing enzyme deficiencies cause different
is curative. patterns of disease.
Succinyl Co A & Glycine
ALA synthetase
Aminolaevulinic Acid (ALA)
PBG synthetase
Porobilinogen (PBG)
PBG deaminase
Deficiency causes acute intermittent porphyria
Hydroxymethylbilane (HMB)
UPP III cosynthetase
Deficiency causes congenital crythropetic porphyria
Uroporphyrinogen I Uroporphyrinogen III
Uroporphyrogen decarboxylase
Deficiency causes porphyria cutanea tarda
Coproporphyrinogen I Coproporphyrinogen III
Coproporphyringoen oxidase
Deficiency causes hereditary coprpophyria
Deficiency causes erythropoetic protoporphyria
Figure 13.2 Heme synthesis.